
Here's a (very very very) early port of "Bugger!" from Linux to Windows systems: included are the 32 and 64 bit binaries and necessary DLLs. Currently you can run around shooting stuff, and also modify and save the Level. The Windows version is currently a little unstable, especially on Vista and Windows 7. There's a slight graphical glitch and some sound problems, plus an occasional crash... play at your own risk!

Alpha 3 demo - Windows
mrhoix - - 63 comments

Very good, but the one thing I can say is that you should make it so that the creatures only have 1 health. As there are so many of them it would improve the game a lot.

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wilbefast Author
wilbefast - - 76 comments

Cheers - yeah: there's a lot of balance work to be done. But first I've got to add all the enemies and weapons into the game: then I can figure out which did and what health and what weapon does how much damage :-)

Pretty sure these two little "swarmer" enemies will be 1-hit-killed by most weapons though.

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Arvind - - 242 comments

I often aggro too many enemies which then cause me to die. Decreasing their health would be cool.

But this is alpha, and the game is promising. Keep up the good work!

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