This mod by Zhinjio is a "TopScore" style addon that tracks your top hits/crits for all attacks and/or heals.
Author: Zhinjio
A "TopScore" style addon that tracks your top hits/crits for all attacks and/or heals. LDB based. Please use the Broker2Fubar addon if you want this display to show up on your Fubar.
Yes, the icon is cheese. Who doesn't like cheese?
For those of you new to using LDB based plugins
LDB stands for LibDataBroker. This is an addon-independent framework for displaying data about something in-game. It allows you to choose which addon you want to use to display the data. However, the addon, 'by itself', cannot do anything. There are several options out there for displaying LDB based plugins, and you can choose whichever you like:
* Fortress
* Buttonbin
* Fubar (you'll need to also run Broker2Fubar)