Turn Based StrategyThyria is a RPG, with turn-based combat and isometric 2D exploration, playing on a time management mechanic. Summon and train a team of Guardians, who...
Twokats is a French independent studio created by two video game enthusiasts. We have been working since August 2018 (and the project was already maturing in our heads for some time ...), and hope to offer you a fun and exciting game. We are fervent defenders of "It's done when it's done" (little wink to who will recognize it ...), but we still look forward to seeing you play Thyria !! See you soon !!
Thyria is a RPG, with turn-based combat and isometric 2D exploration, playing on a time management mechanic. Summon and train a team of Guardians, who...
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Kiddion's Modest Menu for Grand Theft Auto V, available now for free.
TDP Team (previously known as Group Vigilant or V.A.G.) is a team of creative enthusiasts, working on a non-commercial project - The Dark Pastime, the...
Mindware Studios was established back in 2002 for the sole purpose: to create original and entertaining games for all platforms. Already in 2005, the...
DarthMod productions formerly known as "Groovy Galaxy Productions" is a Mod Team dedicated to Total War games. It was co-founded by the members of TW...