Driven by enthusiasm for the online world and confidence that social gaming would transform the way people play games, LazyLand has developed a portfolio of various social titles aiming at approaching everyday people no matter what their gender, age or preferences may be.

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Yatzy Arena

Yatzy Arena


Yatzy Arena is a game of luck, risk and quick decisions multiplayer dice game. Make the highest total score and win the game against your opponent.

Solitaire Wonders

Solitaire Wonders


Solitaire Wonders is an amazing game of skill and vigilance. The faster and more observant you are the more possible is your victory over your oppontent...

Mahjong Duels

Mahjong Duels


The amazing Chinese game of skill and strategy Mahjong is now social! Get in the arena and prepare to play with the most masterful opponents in this multiplayer...

Fishing Duels

Fishing Duels


Fishing Duels is a puzzle game for two in the ocean floor! While engaging on Fishing Duels adventures a sharp eye and a good strategy is what you need...

Backgammon Arena

Backgammon Arena


Backgammon Arena is a two-player game, that involves a combination of strategy and luck, where each player has fifteen checkers or pieces that move between...

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Steiner Modding Group

Steiner Modding Group

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The SMG was founded in March 2006 by Steiner to enhance his "Steiners Advanced units" mod and create "Awakening of the Rebellion" for the Game "Star Wars...

TECNO Mods Manager (TMM)

TECNO Mods Manager (TMM)

1 member Developer & Publisher

Mods Manager tool that can help you to install many mod instantly for any games without make copy of game files (magic is real here)



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ioquake is the development team behind engines like ioquake3. They're known for being the de-facto standard in id software technologies post-GPL release.

Creative Assembly

Creative Assembly

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Creative Assembly is a British video game developer established in 1987 by Tim Ansell. Although primarily based in the West Sussex town of Horsham, the...

Sierra Entertainment

Sierra Entertainment

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Sierra Entertianment is the division of Vivendi games famous for titles such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Empire Earth, Leisure Suit Larry, Ground...



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Valve the company behind the games such as Half Life and Half Life 2 is located in Bellevue, Washington. They are a exciting and dynamic company well...


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