Formed in 2019, new game development identity Inflamed Games aims to create new and exciting video games for diverse audiences.

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Latest posts from @inflamedgames

Inflamed Games is happy to present the first public teaser footage of their upcoming game 'Robotical Escape' as wel…

Apr 28 2020

Introducing Pulse, the latest creation from our designer for the up-and-coming Robotical Escape! #unity3d

Apr 6 2020

RT @ProPaddlesGAME: In-addition to our tweet earlier we would like to inform players that have already purchased Proficient Paddles Del…

Apr 5 2020

Introducing Scout, the latest creation from our designer for the up-and-coming Robotical Escape! #gamedev

Feb 17 2020

RT @ProPaddlesGAME: Proficient Paddles is on a 51% discount until January 2 on Steam! 👉

Dec 20 2019

Inflamed Games is happy to announce we are the new developer and publisher behind the Proficient Paddles series on…

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