Welcome to our world of creativity and passion! We are a close-knit group of friends who have come together to bring our collective imagination to life through indie game development. With a shared love for gaming and a desire to craft unique and captivating experiences, we have embarked on a thrilling journey as a collaborative team.

Individually, we each bring a diverse set of skills and expertise to the table, including programming, design, art, sound, and storytelling. Together, we form a dynamic ensemble, driven by a common vision to create games that inspire, challenge, and engage players on a deep level.

In our studio, innovation and originality are the guiding principles. We thrive on pushing boundaries, experimenting with unconventional ideas, and exploring new genres and gameplay mechanics. Every project we undertake is infused with our personal touch, as we pour our hearts and souls into crafting memorable worlds, characters, and narratives.

Our commitment to the indie spirit goes beyond the games themselves. We believe in fostering a supportive and inclusive community, where players, fellow developers, and enthusiasts can connect, share, and celebrate the wonders of indie gaming. Through our blog posts, forums, and social media channels, we invite you to join us on this exciting adventure and be a part of our ever-growing community.

IndieDB is our platform to showcase our creations, share our development progress, and connect directly with our fans. We are grateful for your support, and we can't wait to take you on an extraordinary journey through the games we create. So, strap in, buckle up, and get ready to embark on a wild ride as we explore the limitless possibilities of indie game development together!

Current Projects

No games, mods, engines, software or hardware appear to be published or in development by Friends Turned Devs. We suggest you add games, mods, engines and hardware you are developing here (or update existing games, mods, engines and hardware on the site which should be linked with this Developer).

If this profile is not used to publish or develop games, mods, engines, software or hardware we recommend you contact us and we will move it to the groups section and this page will display a blog instead.

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