A developer of third person shooter mods including Star Wars: Kashyyyk Mod.

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Primitive Tribes [Being Revived]

Primitive Tribes [Being Revived]

Virtual Life

Set back in the Caveman era. Short Desc. -Dinosaurs -Cavemen -Not Done -Bludgeon cavemen with clubs -Have fun Long Desc. Set back in caveman days, you...

aryk20 - - 1 comments

I'm relatively new to this modding thing for Warband, but I get how most of the stuff works and would like to say, I am willing to help build your "primitive" mod for free

Also, I made a few personal changes to the mod for myself while I was playing :)

I think the mod has a great concept and the same amount of potential and I hope you consider me.

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vanius1 - - 1 comments

Hi, I'm an archaeologist who focuses on the palaeolithic and also a big warband player. I'd like to help your "primitive tribes" mod be as archaeologically accurate as possible. Let me know if you'd like my help.

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Guest - - 706,610 comments

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Sheary[T] Creator
Sheary[T] - - 41 comments

So, our mod was deleted?

It had no bad content, thanks Mod Db..

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feillyne Staff
feillyne - - 5,815 comments

rules wrote: IDEAS will not be accepted. You must show a decent amount of progress, e.g. screenshots (or concepts) of a model and map that you are working on MINIMUM.

Correction: it had no content, the site guidelines/rules you were supposed to read say idea mods are totally disallowed on the site until they morph into something more serious.

Especially considering the network is in v4+ (and beyond) stage, not its early stage when even concepts/ideas were allowed (around 13 years ago). You can always re-submit your mod anyway.

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Sheary[T] Creator
Sheary[T] - - 41 comments

I See, Thank you.

My tone wasn't to friendly.
I was slightly mad because i didn't know what i did.
But yea, thanks. i'll reupload after i get a few things done.

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ThunderstormFORCE - - 14 comments

so this was the time when you weren't trolling?? kek....

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