The war for Optima Prime had reached a deadlock. Many indecisive battles
had been fought and now the rebellious Governor Xenodix had retreated with
his foul allies to the planet's industrial heart, Mountain City. In space
the Imperial forces were more successful and the fleet had banished Chaos
back into the Eye of Terror. At least the rebels were cut off from
THE SILENT VOYAGERBy G Jökull Gíslason, Citadel Journal #3The war for Optima Prime had reached a deadlock. Many indecisive battleshad been fought and now the rebellious Governor Xenodix had retreated withhis foul allies to the planet's industrial heart, Mountain City. In spacethe Imperial forces were more successful and the fleet had banished Chaosback into the Eye of Terror. At least the rebels were cut off fromreinforcements.But Mountain City was impregnable with the current Imperial force, hugesiege machines would be needed to break the entrenched position. TheAdeptus Mechanicus set to work and soon freighters began bringing in thevital equipment from nearby star systems. Crawlers, heavy weapons and partsto form a great juggernaut.It was a great loss when the starship Voyager failed to arrive. Its cargohad included essential units to complete the juggernaut. The Administratumwas deciding on alternative action when the Voyager appeared.Few ships ever escape the dreaded storms of the Warp. The Voyager was alltorn and battered as if it had been cast about by the Daemons of Chaos. Allattempts to communicate with the ship failed, but this was no surprise. Thehull was ruptured in many places and no one could be alive inside without asealed environment suit to shield him from the merciless vacuum of space.External scans also revealed no signs of life aboard and chances of anysurvivors were very low. Guided by auto systems the silent giant movedthrough the starlit void towards Optima Prime.The Administratum ordered immediate reboarding of the ship but the Imperialfleet commander Him Nadi was loath to send his valued Tech-priests intothis dark and silent ship. Call it intuition but he had a feeling that thisship was tainted with the Warp. Him Nadi then remembered a company of SpaceWolves was uncommitted and still orbiting Optima Prime. He requested that adetachment of Space Marines scout the interior of the ship before takingany further action.Wolf Lord Skallagrim dispatched his bodyguard. Four squads of Wolf GuardTerminators would board the ship and scout it for any danger. Facing theunknown, the only light is the Emperor's will.--x--Notes:Since the original campaign features Marines vs. Marines, the missions havebeen altered to feature Marines vs. Aliens. The original maps have been used, but mission objectives and forces havebeen adapted to the Alien Assault engine.