A compatibility patch for ЦЕМЕНТ's Viewmodels and Muh Immersion Addon Pack
- Install OnegRiot's Muh Immersion pack as per its instructions
- Install Souvlakii's reanimation mods for the Kiparis and the FAL (optional)
- Install this addon last (drop the desired folders into JSGME's MODS folder)
Muh Immersion Addon Pack
FN FAL animation set
Kiparis animation set
- 1.0 - Release
- 1.1 - Cleaned up the archive, made the Souvlakii's anims patches optional. Added support for the Fixed Shellcases addon.
- 1.2 - Fixed a crash caused by an invalid name of a shell sprite in w_usp.ltx. Made the Fixed Shellcases optional.
This patch was made thanks to the work of Thfpjct, erickallen10, OnegRiot, Souvlakii and galluserectus.
you beat me to it
Really? xd Upload yours anyway, maybe we can compare notes.
Awesome, thank you for doing this! One question, though: does this include the shell casing fixes?
Oh, I don't think so, can you direct me to the mod so I can get on merging it once I'm back? I'm not on my PC atm :D
EDIT: Nvm, for some reason I couldn't find it, got it now though.
reduce filesize by deleting the .bak files boss. also will this work without the reanimation set?
My bad, will fix this. As you can see, I'm pretty much an amateur.
No, but I can make a separate version.
please? would be very much appreciated, i was actually going to work on a Muh Immersion version myself but i unfortunately havnt had enough free time to do so
I ******* love you
heey nice!, so can you tell me what tweaks "muh immersion" does to the weapon files?? what did u tweak to make them compatible? and are you going to merge the shellfixes too??
i was planning on merging Yim's mod, viewmodels and shellfixes + a few fixes of my own, but i spent too much time trying to fix the M60 and HK417 xD
i am erickallen10, changed my name since i decided to take this modding thing a bit more seriously xD
my goal here is just to make or help to make the best vanilla weapons mod for stalker anomaly :D
Yim's Tweaks are already a part of Muh Immersion, so Muh Immersion basically does what Yim's mod does.
I tweaked only the item_position/orientation, as well as hand_position etc portion of the files (copied the values from ЦЕМЕНТ's mod).
Yes, I did merge the shellfixes just now :D
You say you have problems with the M60 and I'm having problems making Souvlakii's SVD replacer work with this xd (if I copy ЦЕМЕНТ's values, the HUD model is misaligned)
I already fixed the M60 actually, moving on to the HK417 and AUG A3 :D
yes i had that same issue with the SVD lol, so i just forgot about it sinse the FAL was more of a priority at the time, the viewmodels addon has several issues that we need to fix :/
M249 all scopes are fkt
XM8 all scopes are fkt
some kobra sights for some AK's are fkt
FAL all scopes are fkt
and others
i am really glad you made this addon cuz i can focus on fixing some of the scopes :D
I'm glad too, feel free to release your scope fixes once you're done!
ADS is messed up on LR-300 with eotech scope and all scopes on FN FAL from my test. The acog on FN FAL just turns on that ugly acog sniper hud. Also I think some of your files may have changed values of guns, like RPM. There is also 'scope addons' file and in debugger spawning one of the 'new scopes' crashes the game.
LR-300 and FAL were already problematic in one of the source addons I based this patch on, I'm afraid I don't know how to fix this (I only sort of cobbled this together, if someone more knowledgeable would come along, they're welcome to expand on this addon :D).
I kept the gun values from Yim's tweaks, unless I misclicked somewhere. Which weapons are changed?
I wasn't aware of the scope crash. What do you mean by new scopes?
Go in debugger and check the Weapons(Misc.) section you'll see new scopes. I believe the new scopes is coming from \configs\items\weapons\addon_scopes.ltx. The ACOG issue I believe comes from w_fal.ltx having scope_status = 1 (which says to the game this is 'sniper' scope) and then it says scope_texture = wpn_crosshair_acog. To amend this you'd need to set scope_status to 0 and delete the scope_texture line. I haven't modded this before but you can quickly check these; e.g. I think the aiming problem is due to aim_hud_offset_pos not being set properly (I'm going to test it soon).
Oh I see, the FAL uses an overlay! Well, as for the misalignment issues, it seems that I'd need to fiddle with the numbers and see what sticks. There isn't a way to edit the files "live" (i.e. edit the values and see the result in game by somehow reloading), is there?
I'm not sure, but yea there's misalignment issues under the different scopes aim hud offsets; reloading every time sounds like a pain.
I believe you could use debugger and go to Weapon HUD editor (Press F7 then 5) and use the DOT crosshair to get the alignment proper
omg whyyyyy did i not know about this feature, i am so dumb XD
thx for pointing this out it's going to make my life 1000x easier
Here are the settings I found good for FAL:
aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.04517,0.01098,0
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.04517,0.01098,0
aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.04492,0.00129,0
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.04492,0.00129,0
aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.04487,0.01032,0
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.04487,0.01032,0
aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.04489,0.00987,0
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.04489,0.00987,0
Unfortunately it seems a lot of the weapons have misalignment issues; it would take a while if you wanted to mess with values to get the sights to align with the dot crosshair on all weapons. You can change all these values in HUD editor (don't press 'Resume' or you cancel the editing session, change value, press 'Enter', then press 'ESC' to test out the stuff. 'Resume' return stuff to default values). Also, turn on TOGGLE Aim Mode so you can see changes on the fly without having to exit the debugger.
Yeah, it's a nightmare to type in each value manually. It's a shame that it doesn't work like in the Perfect Viewmodel mod for PAYDAY 2, where you can just click on a number and drag and hold your mouse and it will adjust the numerical value of a coordinate. Very easy and very convenient.
It could be possible that you adding the shell casing fix (I personally don't like the shell cases) caused the misalignment, but I'm not sure, I merely checked the shell case fix page.
Honestly doubt it, all the shellcasing fix did was add a couple non-invasive lines to the files, none of which had anything to do with the alignment values.
And now the last thing - make a compatible with the TAZed weapon sounds, since there`s nothing better right now.
I'm afraid I can't find the addon, it seems like the it has been deleted by the author. I'd gladly check it out if you have a mirror somewhere? The author's profile is set to private, so I can't check out his stuff.
And, when i`ve installed your adaptation "purely" - it, somehow, deleted the weapon tweaks.
That's weird, this addon is literally Yim's tweaks but with CEMENT's values for viewmodels...
The google drive folder denies me access tho, idk whats up with that.
Much obliged my man!
EDIT: From what I see, literally the only thing you have to do to make this mod compatible with mine is to install TAZed without the most of its configs/weapons folder, leaving only the "sound_layers" and "upgrades" folders within, as well as weapons_sounds.ltx, as the only things that are different between the TAZed's weapon files and mine are the viewmodel values.
EDIT2: Tested the mod and it doesn't sound much different from JSRS, which is already included in the Muh Immersion pack.
There`s something strange with GP, though
After all tryouts - i just pasted your weapon config files instead of TAZed ones (they had their own weapon stats tweaks, surprisungly). And it goes... quite well.
Yeah they have their own tweaks, including hitpower and recoil values, because they're based on Yim's weapons tweaks :D
Hey this is the result I got with the ak74m alternative: Imgur.com
This was on an old save using Muh Mags and the compatibility patch. I'm gonna start a new play through tonight and try without it.
Yeah, unfortunately some sights are broken and I am not really able to find the correct values as the debug thing isn't really user friendly. It's a step up from booting the game up each time, but it still is really time consuming to fix one weapon. I've tried fixing Souvlaki's SVD with it, spent like 1 hour trying to find good values to no satisfactory result :(
**** well that sounds like a nightmare lol, for now ill just use the iron sights. Good luck!
Do try to mess around with the weapon HUD debugger (F7 and then 5)! There's an explanation on how to use it a couple comments above.
Hey just want to let you know I've run into a CTD thats caused by this.
It only ever happens if I fire the USP family of pistols. As soon as I click the left mouse button it CTDs and gives me this error.
[error]Expression : SG
[error]Function : CRender::model_CreateParticles
[error]File : r3.cpp
[error]Line : 642
[error]Description : Particle effect or group doesn't exist
[error]Arguments : weapons\45ACP
NPCs can use the usp no problem so Im just scratching my head over this. Other .45 pistols shoot just fine.
Hmmm might be it's related to the shellcases mod I've included, they are viewmodel only so it might explain why NPCs use them just fine. I'll look into this later, wasn't aware of it as I don't use .45s much. For now, try fiddling around with the .45 guns' .ltx files and deleting lines looking like this:
shell_point = 0,0.133,0.047
shell_dir = 0,0,0.4
shell_particles = weapons\45acp
Use agent ransack to mass search for these lines (you might wanna focus on the line "weapons/45acp" specifically and then just delete the line and the two lines preceding it). I'll get on fixing this later when I'm at my PC.
EDIT: Nevermind, I'm dumb and can't read. Also, it appears the mod is case sensitive. I've checked and it looks like the other .45 guns' shell_particles lines go "weapons/45acp", while the USP is the odd one out, with "weapons/45ACP". Change it to lowercase and tell me how it went. If it works, I'll include this as a hotfix.
Hey! Just made the changes of changing it lowercase "weapons/45acp" and it seems to have fixed the issue!
Thank you!
Glad I could help! I'll include this in the next update, along with the option to have the weapons without the shellcases in case someone doesn't like them :D
I get a weird CTD every time i try to go to zaton, simply removing the mod fixes the issue. The log is empty tho, no fatal error. (empty stack trace) Any idea what could be the issue?
I got nothing.. I've been to Zaton myself and encountered no crashes. What's your modlist?
Im on the same boat i have no idea whats wrong, no fatal error in the log, no x-ray error message, nothing. I have just the OnegRiot's latest pack (1.5.3). After that i installed your compatibility patch. All the other locations, different characters etc. are fine. But as soon as i step into zaton with any character it crashes. So there is something up with that location in particular.
I take it you have the latest version of Anomaly? If so then I don't really know what to tell you..
Any update on how to fix the misaligned sites?
Откопал древнее зло
looking for 1.5.2 update, pls.