A 7 - 8 player map by DarkVortex.
Readme File:
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## Project 2 ##
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Version : v1.3 (Beta 1)
Players : 8
Size : 10x10
Water : Yes
No Rush : Yes
Created By : DarkVortex (DarkVortecks)
Tested by : wclark.uk
Created with : Supreme Scenario Editor 0.471 BETA by Hazard (hazard_x@gmx.net)
Official SupCom map Editor v4 by GPG
Supreme Marker Editor 0.921 BETA by Hazard (hazard_x@gmx.net)
Originally the plan was to discuses peace with the Seraphim, but after gate in, it was obvious the Seraphim had a different intention. As the battle rages on, both sides were quick to call in re-enforcements who gated in to the island surrounding them to try push the tide of the battle.
To install put the folder "Project2 v1.3" and it's contents into the directory where you installed FA.
Typical install locations:
C:Program FilesTHQGas Powered GamesSupreme Commandermaps
C:Program FilesTHQGas Powered GamesSupreme Commander - Forged Alliancemaps
Change log
(Didn�t log them down as I made the map, so a bit sketchy)
v1.2 -> v1.3(beta 1)
Released as beta in v1.3
Changed the map to 9 stratums instead of 4
V0.1 -> v1.1
Lots and lots of changes to the map.
Somewhere along the way changed the to islands into mountains.
Tweaked the AI markers though out the making of the map trying to perfect it.
Added texture and decals round v0.6
Known issues
Not really an issue as it happens in all islands map but...
Stock AI likes to clump up land units at there islands on the 4 corners, try using an AI mod to play. Sorian AI plays the map well (try Sorian Rush in the middle and Sorian Adaptive/Air for the outsides, or Naval if u prefer). Code.google.com
Created by: DarkVortex (DarkVortecks)
Alpha testers: wclark.uk
Please do not edit or change this map without my consent.
Feel free to distribute it as you wish, but keep the credits with the file.