This mod from mellongs not only collects combat logs for analysis but also provides information for raiding. Buff-note shows player's buff condition, Death-Note shows dead players and their cause of death in order, and Epic-Note shows epic items collected
Author: mellongs
What is onRaid?
onRaid Addon not only collects combat logs for analysis but also provides information for raiding. Buff-note shows player's buff condition, Death-Note shows dead players and their cause of death in order, and Epic-Note shows epic items collected by players.
Buff-Note help you check player's buffing by showing player's buff condition. You can also report buff condition to your raid group using Buff-Note. Buff-Note enables players to check buff condition. All kinds of buffs show for each player. When player gets buff, buff area gets activated and shows that you are currently buffing.
Death-Note shows dead players in order of death, with showing dead player’s battle record of 5 seconds before death.
Epic-Note logs items worth above epic items collected by players. Upper-part shows records in collected time and order which you can memo numbers. Number memos are useful when writing down points and gold used in collecting item. Lower-part shows arranged number memos written by each player.
Installing onRaid addon
You can download onRaid Addon from here and unpack it on 'World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns' to install.
(ex: It you have your World Of Warcraft installed on E-drive, you need to install on 'E: World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsonRaid' folder.)
onRaid light version
It support only basic fuctions such as Buff-note, Epic-note, Death-note. It does not make combat log, combat analysis service from onRaid web-community is not available with onRaid Light version. However it will be good for you to save memory and to finish game quickly.
If you want to use combat analysis service, then you should download "onRaid addon Full version" from If you install onRaid Uploader, it will automatically install onRaid Addon.
officially web site