Only works with vic2 v.1.3 beta (23rd Feb) or newer!
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.53 (beta)
- is now compatible with 1.3 beta
- updates based on the 1.3 beta
-- a reactionary party "Konge Partiet" is added
-- updated event_modifiers.txt
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.52 (beta)
- added 5 capitalists in Christiania
- Political dessisions:
--- its now possible to change Christiania back to Oslo (after 1925).
--- the change from "traditional academic" to "industrial tech school" is now done thru political decision (after 1840).
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.51 (beta)
- political parties:
--- the name "communist" (party) is now changed to "Norges Kommunistiske Parti"
--- "venstre" start date is now 28. January.
--- "Høyre" start date is now 25. august.
--- "Norske Arbeiderparti" start date is now 22. august.
--- "Norges Kommunistiske Parti" (NKP) start date is now 3. november.
--- "Embedsmennene" end date is now 26. june.
--- plus some other small changes..
- the list of navy unitnames is updated.
- tech school is now "traditional academic", but it will change to "industrial tech school" in the 1845-1870 periode. (see 0.6)
- upper house is now more conservative
- A few more people in some provinces.
- the event "farmers in politics" is added.
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.4 (beta)
- "Arbeiderpartiet" and "venstre" economic policy is changed to state capitalism.
- "Embedsmennene" economic policy is changed to interventionism.
- "Embedsmennene" war policy is changed to anti-military.
- Iceland is now own by Denmark.
- Jan Mayen is now own by Norway.
- The military start forces is reduced (3 army and 2 navy).
- the list of navy unitnames is updated.
- the provinces gets a small amount more of farmers and soldiers POP.
- You can now make Norway as a puppetstate under Sweeden – if you want a more realistic gameplay.(Remove the "###" in front of "varssal" in the "Victoria 2\history\diplomacy\puppetStates.txt" file.)
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.3 (beta)
- Embetsmendene is the ruling party when you start the game, not venstre.
- norway gets prestige = 4
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.2 (beta)
- Bergen gets oil in 1966 (you need to edit /common/defines.lua to play past 1936)
- correcting the year in the political parties (sorce:WIKI)
- Skien gets iron instead of timber
## Changes in Norway mod v.0.1 (beta)
- You can now play as Norway in victoria 2