A multiple gametype map by ]K6[-Grimm.
Readme File:
Map:- North Africa : Outpost v 1.02
Author:- -]K6[-Grimm
Auth Email:- Chrisellison50athotmaildotcom
Website:- www y2k6.org
Map name:- mp_naout
Supported gametypes:- DM TDM CTF HQ S&D
Installation:- Place the mp_naout.iwd file inside your cod2 main directory.
version info:-
1.02: Redesigned axis spawn and changed CTF spawn points to balance CTF play.
1.01: bugfix release canopy patches fixed, out of map bug fixed. (not public)
1.00: initial release
Bugs:- none known
report any other bugs found to me at the above email.
Thanks :-
All at Bitange.com for the feedback and bug reports.
I give permission for any files in this map to be used in any way aslong as proper credit is given.
The author of this file accepts no responsibility for damage to data (software), physical damage to hardware or psychic damage to any person, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed that users who run this file, automatically are considered as having read and understood this liability clause before using the mentioned file!