
Removes the requirement for having toolkits at the vice for weapon and armour parts replacement.

No Toolkit for Parts Replacement
nign0g - - 48 comments

i see this addon has been graced by the infinite wisdom of GhenTuong. Nice

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Wookienator - - 1,023 comments

Nice addon. Will give it a try :)
This could make weapon repairing actually useful

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EricSol - - 287 comments

First of all, thank you for making this mod. Since most gunparts can be switched with no tools IRL this is really a treat to immersiveness.

I was wondering if it is possible to "break up" a weapon meaning that if i have f.e. a SVD with a damaged barrel that i want to repair,
would it be possible to make a mod that allows to repair the barrel inside the gun and reassemble the gun again?

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Naxza Author
Naxza - - 5 comments

Hi! Glad you're having fun. That's way beyond my caliber of modmaking (this one's barely more than a few tweaks telling the game not to check certain toolkit requirements), so I really have no good answer for that- really sorry.

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nightsta1ker - - 70 comments

I hear you! It bug me endlessly how disassembling a weapon is like a lottery on what parts you will get out of it. You can, for example, pick up a damaged rifle that has a good part in it, disassemble the rifle, and not get that good part you wanted instead getting ruined parts. WTF? You should get all parts in their listed condition when you dismantle any weapon, and be able to assemble it at a vice without a repair kit. I already went on a long rant about this in another thread. Just letting you know I agree with you.

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EricSol - - 287 comments

some day a hero will apĆ¼pear and fulfill our wishes...

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Vakkeran - - 81 comments

Maybe you've found this already, but here's a mod that removes the RNG on what you get from dissassembly. Just pull the itms_disassembly.script from the scripts folder and that should be all you need from it.

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GabeCPB0 - - 354 comments

Jesus, dude, THANK YOU!

With all due respect to all anomaly devs, the workbench system is so unnecessarily complex that frankly, it makes it unrewarding investing your game time there.

Your mod comes to facilitate it a little bit! Anomaly may be the greatest RPG FPS ever made in game history, but when it comes to correct its flaws, it's always an addon of fresh air.

I'm using version 1.5, with hotfix 8 and the 1.4 update, with Generic Mod Enabler, version Your addon worked fine.

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TheGMasta - - 14 comments

Would it be possible for you to release a version of this where you still require the appropriate kit in order to change out parts but no charges are consumed when you do so? I feel like that would be even more appropriate and closer to real life.

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Naxza Author
Naxza - - 5 comments

Sure, that's a two-line tweak that someone asked about already in the Anomaly Discord, so I'm zipping up a version which optionally includes that tweak right now.

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TheGMasta - - 14 comments

Good lord that was quick. You are a legend mate, many thanks.

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Katarina_the_Mid - - 154 comments

Do you think you could make a mod that removes the tool kit requirement for upgrades in the vice?
Reason is because it's really dumb for installing upgrades in the vice that you need the toolkit (basic, advanced, expert) AND the repair kit when you should just need a repair kit, that would be greatly appreciated if you do.

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Naxza Author
Naxza - - 5 comments

Hi! There's a line, about 1640 or so in the ui_workshop.script as part of the function to enable possible upgrades, should read t[3] = self.toolkits_state[col] or so. If you replace that with, say, t[3] = 3, it'll let you add upgrades regardless of what workbench parts are there.

I could splinter it off into its own mod, but it'd be thus incompatible with this one, as it's all modifications of the same file. Is your preferred use case with the No Toolkits for Parts Replacement mod, or on its own?

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felixbr - - 33 comments

Hey, thanks a lot foi you addon. It's the first time I was able to use the repair system in the vice. Anomaly's repair system is still far from good, however. I would love to have an addon removing the randomness from item disassembling (never understood the loging behind that besides making the system artificially hard, or considering that you are a clueless monkey). If you find an item with the part you need in good condition, you get it. Do you know something about this, or how it could be done?

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Naxza Author
Naxza - - 5 comments

It's not my work, but it does what you ask!

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cammy0896 - - 2 comments

Hey, is it possible to have tools kits not consume charges when upgrading weapons and armour? I see that you still require the appropriate tool kit for upgrading, which is fine, but having to spend more on multiple tool kits doesn't work all too well when repairing consumes no charges at all. I'm using the option to still need a tool kit to repair cause I believe that still makes them valuable, but when they can only be used maybe twice on one weapon makes them useless when upgrading. Even if there is a way I could change a parameter in the script that would be appreciated, thanks!

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fishfingerrr - - 9 comments

Fantastic idea.The idea of mechanics that don't have tools is ludicrous anyway. Spoils nothing in the core game (you can still give mechanics kits they request for missions) but makes crafting just that vital bit more accessible. Now it is possible to accept missions you get from people who want various bits and bobs,so it opens up the goodwill and rewards.You don't need to hoard the upgrade goodies or rare parts you get or find so much. You can even have a stab at meeting the silly 'bulk orders' you get for more common items. And you still need to pay mechanics to finish off things anyway sometimes!

More than any other single mod I think I've tried so far, this makes the game more playable and gives you a chance to appreciate all the work that went into the crafting system.By doing that it also then has a knock on effect on the game's economy and reduces the need to hack that to enjoy yourself. Thanks :)

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anupet - - 1 comments

I want to use this mod so bad but when I install it I crash every time I try to use a vice, not sure if the game updated since the most recent version of this or something but I NEED this so bad, it's silly to have to use up an entire kit of tools to do something you can do by hand.

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dreaddymck - - 14 comments

Would it be possible to remove the fee and and time limit. If not, how would one go about making that change?

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trankhanhduyh - - 27 comments

Please update the mod ); crash every times when using vice. Really want to use this mod

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TrukoFresH - - 9 comments : 1.5.1 version

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Guest - - 706,705 comments

I really love idea of this mod.

I hope it will be updated :)

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TrukoFresH - - 9 comments : 1.5.1 version

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Guest - - 706,705 comments

can we have an update, without this mod the vice is absolutely worthless and waste of time

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TrukoFresH - - 9 comments :1.5.1 version

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TrukoFresH - - 9 comments

Please make an update ! we need it !

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munja05 - - 49 comments

same here txr_utils a nil value crash using modded 1.5.1 exes its line 117 in ui_workshop?any help

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