This mod changes the eyes and lips of Cassara - The Dragon Queen NPC.
1. This mod doesn't affect TwoWorlds.par file so it is usually safe to other mods, unless you use some mod which modifies Cassara related DDS files. If so, and if you want to use my mod, first you should move or delete any mods (WD files) connected with Cassara's appearance from your ...Two Worlds 2 / WDFiles sub-folder
2. If you don't have problems with pt.1, then simply copy my WD file (attached in this post) to your ...Two Worlds 2 / WDFiles sub-folder.
3. That's all. From now, while playing when you meet Cassara, she will look differently.
4. There is only one small problem. Cassara's mouths are always slightly open (as you can see in the pictures) and the gap between the lips is always irritatingly white. I tried to close her mouths with various ways but it's not possible only by changing the textures. I think this is more advanced problem connected with mesh of this 3D graphics model. Probably SDK will be needed to correct it. We all are waiting for SDK impatiently.