Replacement texture for the PC's hands by Kill_the_Strelok.
Author: Kill_the_Strelok
Readme File:
Kill_the_Strelok's Dirty Distusting Hands
Bored of the same old hands? Think Marked One's paws look too metrosexual and manicured? Well now you can look and feel like a real STALKER who camps for months in a radioactive hell!
Texture features:
-High detailed grimy looking skin with dirty fingernails
-Marked One has a nice tan from being outdoors all the time
-Pixelated camo combat gloves
-More neutral looking leather jacket (taken from Clear Sky's Duty outfit)
-Custom bump map that make textures look wet, dirty, and worn out
Make sure your fsgame.ltx has this line exactly:
$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$| gamedata
Stick the files in this rar in the directory:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobylgamedatatexturesact
Back up before overwriting!
Feel free to edit it, use it in your own mod, whatever I don't care. Just remember where you got it. ; )