
KF-Dance_Floor_Contest is a map experiment for the game Killing Floor 2. The map is an underground dance club. Its a small map. Ideal for pubs designed to have fast paced slaughter. The map was designed to have the center floor be the best hold out spot and encourage a more semi-kite game play style feeling rather then the official maps hold out design feel. The main thought process of this map was for there to be no safe hold out spots to encourage that semi-kite game play feeling in the map center where zeds come from every side and direction. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I had making it. Special thanks to -Krellator -Fauxy -Fisto -Stuphers -Grand Masterson -Barking -Tarrende -BeefeatingRobot -Kilo -Memester Vlad -Neighbor -Zodiac -BloodyoverDrive -An angry Midget -Joe -Squidly -Roxy -Berke -Slade/spookster -XenosBid -Stobi -BasedSlapShot -Makuhito -Anonymous Thank you all very much for helping to playtest this map and finding any errors and bugs.

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