
A simplified version of Brutal Doom v21 in which BLOODWOLF333's patch 21.0.4 is incorporated. I found the amount of content in Brutal Doom to be superfluous. Less is more. So I made a few adjustments to the game following that mindset.

Hydrake's simplified "Brutal Doom v21" patch v1.0
Ultimate_Dukke - - 103 comments

>- Disabled unnecessary weapons: dragonslayer
But that is totally wrong, you heretic!

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minigunner_ali - - 80 comments

Not to mention he disabled the nuke!!!🤬🤬🤬

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MaxDickings - - 194 comments

This mod is supposed to be loaded after "brutalv21.pk3" and "bd21.0.4.pk3". Additionally, "Weapon_Wheel.pk3" and "aim_assist_0.6.pk3" can be loaded after this mod if you want to make use of the weapon wheel or aim assist."

A simplified version of Brutal Doom v21 in which BLOODWOLF333's patch 21.0.4 is incorporated. I found the amount of content in Brutal Doom to be superfluous. Less is more. So I made a few adjustments to the game following that mindset. "

So, this goes after BD21.0.4 or this is incorporated? 21.0.4 isn't included and I didn't have that version anymore so I found a replacement in a random site since I believe that patch has been updated way past that point. I tried loading it after that patch, some of your changes made it (difficulty changes, lack of other game modes) but the weapon ammo count didn't change so I don't think it was working properly (pistol was still reloading to 16 on an empty reload, rifle was 31 etc)

I tried running your patch after bd21 and it didn't load at all.

Am I missing a step?

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Hydrake Author
Hydrake - - 1 comments

The mods should be loaded in this order:
1. Brutal Doom v21 (brutalv21.pk3)
2. BLOODWOLF333's BD21.0.4 Expansion patch. He recently changed the name of the file to "bd21.0.4expansion_0603.pk3", which can be found at
3. This mod.

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Spuzaw - - 31 comments

I LOVE what you did with the main menu. Everything is simplified and straightforward and the new background is a huge improvement.

Is there any way to use only the main menu that you made without any of the gameplay changes?

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