Adds a host of titular kingdoms, sultanates and serene republics to add more flavour to the game. This allows you to make yourself a kingdom without losing your identity in some cases.
Open the .zip file. Inside you will see 2 folders:
Sweet Vanilla vX.XX
Vanilla Plus vX.XX
Open the Sweet Vanilla folder if you are running NO OTHER mods.
Open the Vanilla Plus folder if you are running the CK2+ mod. (don't know what this is? You don't have it then :) )
Drop the contents of whichever folder you picked from above into your mods folder (as listed below). You should be dropping a folder called ftt and a file called ftt DIRECTLY into the mod folder. If no mod folder exists, create it
For Steam:
X:/Steam/steamapps/common/Crusader Kings II/mod
/Crusader Kings II/mod