It took my a few days to understand exactly how to swap armors but I finally did it! I present to you the Eleven Mage Female Champion! So the file is split into a head morph which replaces the Iconic female Head (the one with no blood mark) with a female
You can do this at the black emporium or at the start of the game. Then their is the body mesh which REPLACES the Superior Robes with the Keepers Robes. So if you chose another set of Robes they will be the normal human model as usually this only works with the Superior Robes. Also note that the head morph is not attached to the body morph so extensible you could switch it out with another elf head morph you or someone else makes. Also if you strip all armor from the female Champion the base semi-naked elf model appears (Pic inclosed).
Made with the help of tsibson from the DA 2 modding Nexus Forums and greatfuzzy1's "Armor Reference for Female Characters" which helped me narrow down which robe was which.
All you have to do is throw the files in your override folder like any others.