A Single Player map by Daedalus.
Author: Daedalus
Readme File:
DS7 Starbase Mod Teaser v2
This is the second version of the teaser for DS7.
New Textures
More Models
Better Layout
Traps Removed
Installation instructions:
As usual put the zzzzds7.pk3 in your ef2base folder.
Playing the Teaser:
Start EF2, bring down the console and type: 'map platform1' (no Quotes)
Remove the .pk3 file.
STV Conflicts of Interest Model Pack
Im not responsible if this damages your computer, you may use parts of the file as long as you give credit, which there probably isnt anything I have made myself, except textures.
Daedalus - Thats me, made the teaser as part of my mini mod.
JM_DRAGON - for the great turrets from RPG moondust.
Dr Bob (author of eagleeye) - for his source files to help my shaders.
and, last but not least,
Chrissstrahl - for his modding advice.