A couple of things. This is my first map EVER, for any game, so you be the judge if it's even fit
for distribution.
Game: Rune
Map Title: DM-Ancient
Released: Nov 3rd 2000
Filename: DM-Ancient.zip
Author: Andrew Bryant A.K.A (PG)Neversober
E-mail: abryant1@home.com
ICQ# 73191735
Download Site: www.members.home.net/abryant1/index.html
Gametype: Deathmatch
Number of Players: 3-6
Time Spent: 3 days (Off and On)
Instructions: Put the DM-Ancient.run file in your maps dir and put the plunder.utx file in
textures play. If for whatever reason the map doesn't show up in your list, you can always
type "open DM-Ancient" at the console.
A couple of things. This is my first map EVER, for any game, so you be the judge if it's even fit
for distribution. And I would love to hear some feedback so e-mail me at
HAVE FUN ... (PG)Neversober
You may distribute this level through any electronic network (internet,
FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file, leave the archive
intact, and do not charge a fee for access to this file.
*****Very Speacil Thanks To Wolf's Tutorials*****
PLUNDERGODZ RUNE HORDE MAIN WEB SITE... www.members.home.net/abryant1/index.html