This mod from Askith accumulates Arena Logs.
Author: Askith
Readme File:
ArenaDB Manual ver1.4.1
This Addon accumulates Arena Logs.
you can use below functions.(GUI Function is under development.)
-Collect Arena logs(date, won/lose, Enemy Formation(yours too), Damage/Healing Done, Kill, Time)
-Show logs in game.
-Show logs in your web site.
Install vbs file
1. Place ADBWebout.vbs file to World of WarcraftWTFAccountACCOUNTNAMESavedVariables
How To Webout
1. You will get logs when Arena end.
2. Logoff or use Save command. The variable is saved.
3. Make data.js file. You can use script for it(ADBWebout.vbs). data.js will place to same folder when script run.
4. Upload arenadb.html, contents folder and data.js to your Web server.
5. If you have video file. Upload video file to /contents/video folder or other server.
6. Pls Link to your page.
7. If you got new data.js, just upload it again.
Slash Command List (In Game)
show arena logs.
GUI Function is under development.
show arena logs at chat window. (Default, show max 30 logs).
/adbc name=Name
Character name condition is added.
/adbc chat=p
show logs at Party Chat.
g = Guild
p = Party
o = Officer
ra = Raid
s = Say
bg = Battle Ground
y = Yell
e = Emote
(number) = Specific Channel
If no chat option, Logs will be shown only you.
/adbc num=Number
Max show log number.
ex) /adbc num=50
showing latest 50 logs.
/adbc date=20081107
showing logs on 2008/11/07.
/adbc result=0
showing logs of won.
0 = won
1 = lose
2 = even
/adbc version=3.0.3
showing logs of wow version 3.0.3.
/adbc size=2
showing logs of 2v2.
2 = 2v2
3 = 3v3
5 = 5v5
/adbc type=1
showing logs of Rated match.
0 = Practice
1 = Rated
/adbc class=sh
showing logs that there are Shaman in Enemy Team.
ex) /adbc class=wr,ma,dr
please use comma for 2+ classes.
Death Knight = dk
Druid = dr
Hunter = hu
Mage = ma
Paladin = pa
Priest = pr
Rogue = ro
Shaman = sh
Warlock = wl
Warrior = wr
/adbc #=1,3,4,5
showing logs that have Log-ID 1,3,4 or 5.
To join conditions
use &(and) please.
ex) /adbc class=ma,ro&size=2&type=1
/adbdetail #=1& chat=g
showing detail log that have Log-ID 1 on guild chat.
/adbsend name=CharacterName
Log data copy function between player.
ex) /adbsend name=Bernie
Copy your all log data to Bernie. Copy start when Bernie Accepted.
ex) /adbsend name=Bernie=1
Copy your log that have Log-No1.
ex) /adbsend name=Bernie=10-30
Copy your log that have Log-No10 to No30
ex) /adbsend name=Bernie=3,5,10
Copy your log that have Log-No3, 5 or 10
Turn on/off below function.
The logs that is same enemy class formation will show by auto at end of Arena.
Turn on/off data copy function. Default on.
/adbdel #=1
Delete log #1.
ex) /adbdel #=10-20
Delete log #10 to #50.
ex) /adbdel #=3,5,7
Delete log #3, 5 or 7.
Save log file.
Log file will save by automatic when you Logoff. so usually you don't need this command.
but if you need to save file in game, call this command.
This will cause ReloadUI, so use this command when you are safe.
About Web page
You can click Log number for disp Total result at specific class formation.
You can click class name for class condition.
You can remove class condition by click class icon.
It is not recorded if you leave Arena before end.