This mod is not monetised. I will not be doing any paid mods nor set up a patreon. This is not an official GW licensed product. I will also not pull the mod, and will keep it on the net since any takedowns would be without merit. This mod aims at modifying Dawn of War 2 Retribution to portray combat in a more lore-accurate manner. Prepare to find Space Marines as powerful as the books depict them, ork hordes in their hundreds, and dozens of Guard tanks shelling into an incoming tyranid horde!

Post tutorial Report RSS Eldar tutorial

This Tutorial is here to show you how to play with the Eldar, and what are their strengths and weaknesses. Updated to 3.3, see how to build new units.

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The Eldar race has three commanders in this mod.

Most Eldar are medium infantry. This means they are vulnerable to flamers, shuriken weapons, and other anti-infantry heavy weapons. They are also very specialised, and are often great at one thing, and bad at everything else.

Pop cap is 300, and their infantry is at the middle ground between elites and hordes.

It is essential for the Eldar army to use the correct troop type for the target.
Against orks and guardsmen, Warp spiders are excellent. Against space marines, they are not good at all.
Against space marines or Tau, dark reapers are good. But against orks, they shoot just too slowly.
Some hybrid armies like tyranids with both swarm and elite forces take more work to counter.
Wave Serpents and Falcons are good for screening your troops.
Your troops can take more damage than horde armies, but less than elites. Their health and training time and cost is balanced. You can afford losses, but you can't swarm the enemy. You must use them in their correct role to win, an Eldar army takes more management skills than others.


Warlock: Melee offensive hero.
Autarch: Versatile offensive hero.
Farseer: Melee support hero.

Additional units built at WEBWAY gate.



Dire Avengers: Medium ranged infantry best suited to taking down other medium infantry.

Storm Guardians: Melee guardians. They deal less damage than Banshees and are weaker than Scorpions, but give access to Flamers and Fusion guns. They can also build Starcannon, D-cannon, Scatterlaser and Missile turrets.

Defender Guardians: Can be upgraded with various heavy weapon platforms. Builds Brightlance and Shuriken cannon turrets. Weak health, best kept in cover.

Striking Scorpions: Tough melee unit with low damage but greater resilience than other Eldar units. Can stealth and tie up enemy units while your other forces finish them off.

Howling Banshees: Fragile melee unit that deals good damage. Very fast, but can't take much punishment.

Seer Council: Melee support hero squad, limited to 1.

Rangers: Long range anti infantry unit with good suppression. Can stealth but has low health. Built at Webway gate.


Warp Spiders: Rapid relocation infantry with Deathspinner cannons. Very good against light infantry, but not good at all against armoured targets. Medium range, more durable than usual.

Dark Reapers: Medium infantry with reaper missile launchers. Has very long range, and is very powerful against light vehicles and heavy infantry. Does not suppress, but deals best damage versus heavy targets like Space marines or Nobz.

Fire Dragons: Medium infantry armed with Fusion guns. Very powerful, but very short range. Must be screened from enemy fire until they are close enough to strike. Good against any unit type.

Wraithlord: Medium walker. Can be upgraded with a specialized ranged weapon, but best used in melee where it can deal with infantry and tanks alike.

Falcon: Transport tank. Good for screening your aspect warriors and reinforcing them. Has a versatile armament that makes it a good all round answer to enemy troops and vehicles. Starts with scatter laser and Pulsar. Pulsar is a rapid fire anti tank gun that slows enemy vehicles. Scatter laser can be replaced with other guns like the Wave Serpent to tailor the Falcon towards other tasks.

Wave serpent: Transport tank. Good for screening your aspect warriors and reinforcing them. Somewhat slower but tougher than the Falcon, can get equipped with twin linked special weapons to fit a role.
Can be upgraded with Bright lances, missile launchers, starcannons, shuriken cannons, scatter lasers and tailored to fight one type of enemy. Built at Webway gate.

Swooping Hawks: Medium infantry with long range laser blasters. Have longer range than most infantry, and good against other infantry. Built at Webway gate.

Warp Spider Exarch: Ranged offensive hero. Built at Webway gate.

Firestorm: A long range support unit that is best at dealing with heavily armoured targets. It is a sniper, best kept away from the front lines. Built at Webway gate.

Nightspinner: A long range anti-light infantry unit, akin to the Firestorm, but tailored for taking down hordes of lesser foes like boys or guardsmen or gaunts. Built at the Webway gate.


Wraithguard: Heavy infantry with long ranged Distortion cannons. Very slow,but deals heavy damage. Can exchange its cannons for D-Scytches for increased rate of fire at the cost of range. Limited to 6.

Harlequins: Elite melee unit with fusion pistols and distorting grenades, best at taking down enemy vehicles fast, but can also aid in taking down elite troops. Can stealth. Limit 5.

Wraithseer: Heavy walker. A more powerful wraithlord with support abilities. Limited to 5.

Warp Hunter: An assault tank with a very powerful short ranged and long reload time D-Cannon. Best used against heavy enemies in hit and run attacks. Limited to 10.

Fire Prism: Heavy tank with a very versatile energy cannon. Can switch between 3 firing modes. Dispersed mode for dealing AOE damage to hordes, small AOE mode for heavy infantry, and focused single target mode for taking out tanks. Limited to 10.

Cobra: Superheavy assault tank, similar to the Warp Hunter. Best used as a line breaker where it can deal huge damage to a small group of enemy units. Has a long reload time, but it can withdraw with its jet jump an shields from the enemy. Limit 1, built from Webway Gate.

Voidspinner: Superheavy artillery tank, similar to the Nightspinner. Good against infantry, and fires 3 shots with a decent rate of fire and long range. The shots are not very accurate, but it can easily decimate large hordes of enemies. Limit 1, built from Webway Gate.

Lynx: Superheavy anti infantry tank, similar to Fire Prism. Best used from behind your front lines where its Sonic Cannon can deal huge damage to groups of enemy infantry, knocking them back. Can withdraw with its jet jump an shields from the enemy. Limit 2, built from Webway Gate.

Scorpion: Superheavy anti vehicle tank, similar to Fire Prism. Best used from behind your front lines where its Twin heavy Pulsars can deal huge damage to enemy vehicles, dealing damage rapidly. Unlike other anti-tank superheavies, this one deals moderate damage but fires very fast, capable of quickly inflicting losses on vehicles or elite infantry alike. Can withdraw with its jet jump an shields from the enemy. Limit 2, built from Webway Gate.

Avatar: Very powerful melee unit, boosts all Eldar nearby. Limit 1.

Seer Council: Elite melee squad, built from the Webway gate. Similar to Warlock Council, but stronger. Limit 1.

Eldar weaponry:
Chainswords: good against most infantry types, especially light.
Power and Force weapons: Good against all enemy types.
Shuriken weapons: Standard ranged weapon. Avarege damage and very good suppression at medium range, good against light infantry and mediocre against medium infantry.
Shuriken catapults: Good against all light and medium infantry, and can be a danger to heroes and light vehicles too. Excellent Suppression. Long range.
Flamers: Good against only light infantry, mediocre against heavy infantry, useless against anything else. But it does have a good area of effect, and can melt away light infantry like no other weapon.
Deathspinners: Work like flamers, but with less AOE but greater range. Excellent against light infantry.
Starcannons: Good against light infantry and vehicles, but best against super heavy and heavy infantry. Medium rate of fire and range.
Fusion guns: good against everything, small AOE, but short range and long recharge. Best used against enemy superheavy infantry or melee vehicles or monsters. Short range.
Reaper Launcher: Heavy long range weapon with medium damage and rate of fire coupled with good armour piercing. Best used against heavy infantry and light vehicles.
Lasblaster: Standard ranged weapon, but with increased range. Good against medium infantry.
Plasma Missile weapons: Good against light infantry and vehicles, but best against super heavy and heavy infantry. Slow firing, but deals a huge area of effect damage. Combines krak missile damage with frag missile area of effect. Long range.
Brightlance: No aoe, long range, long recharge time and very heavy damage. This is the anti-tank, anti-hero sniper weapon. Its low rate of fire doesnt make it much useful against infantry, but it can be used to snipe out small elite squads. Long range.
Pulse Laser: Good all around weaponry, best used against heavy infantry or superheavy infantry. Medium rate of fire. Medium suppression. Long range.
Scatterlaser: Rapid fire laser weapon, good against light and medium infantry and light vehicles.
Distortion cannon: Good against light infantry and vehicles, but best against super heavy and heavy infantry. Slow firing, but deals heavy damage with medium area of effect damage. Long range.
Distortion scythe: Same as D-cannon, but trades lange for increased rate of fire.
Prism cannon: Long range, slow rate of fire, very versatile damage modes. Good against everything if the right firing mode is used.

Twin Linked: Twin linked weapons like Storm bolters (double rate of fire) or double barreled lascannons/autocannons (double damage, same rate of fire) do twice as much damage per second as a normal, single barreled version of their kind.

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