♢ Our game is a thriller set in the 90's, where the player must complete small household tasks to help their grandmother, the task giver. While navigating through the house, the player will notice that some things are moving around on their own, and the room they’ve entered before doesn’t quite look the same this time around. ♢

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Today we'd like to introduce you to our 2D game, Constance!

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Hello dear community!

Today we'd like to introduce you to our 2D game, Constance.

Constance is a 2D side scroller single player thriller, set in the 90's, where the player controls an 18-year-old girl who lives with her grandmother and need to help her complete some household tasks. As the game progresses, the player notices that somethings are changing around the house, objects are missing, and the house is getting more and more unorganized. But what exactly is causing this?

Stay tuned for more updates of our game!



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