
IF YOU RUN INTO ISSUES, MAKE SURE TO POST YOUR LOG FILE. SAVE AND EXIT GAME AND POST IT IF IT DID NOT CRASH. Also please be descriptive as to what is happening and where. The more information you give the better, it helps make the process quicker. New version of warfare, now with less overwriting! Click Read more... for link to up to date repo. Download above is repo from 3/1/2017 around 3:25am GMT-5. If you use Smurth's dynamic hud, make sure you install warfare last. This version of warfare has been focused on two main points so far: stability, and a broken up structure with tables being utilized to better store information and analyze situations, making more complex AI even more simple to implement. The goal of this mod is to simulate warfare between every faction in Call of Chernobyl in a dynamic fashion. It also allows you to control your faction. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO BACKUP YOUR GAMEDATA FOLDER. I MAKE NO PROMISES THAT THERE AREN'T BUGS.

Warfare 1.4.22 - v2 (updated 3/1/17)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 5,021)
Khimicheskiy_Ali - - 254 comments

Well done and good luck with this. Sounds awesome. Will give it a go ASAP.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Thanks! Just keep in mind its still pretty early on and I'll be updating it somewhat frequently. There are some noticeable places like MrBoroda has mentioned, such as ecologs base being empty and nimble / wolf / fanatic not being at the loners base. Luckily both those issues are very very easy to fix, so I may release a patch today.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
EnZuLian - - 233 comments

I appreciate that you took the time to make this. It should make this mod much more fun. :D

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

You're welcome! I've been having a blast just testing it. This image (ignore stamp, was originally going to use that as the preview) occurred when I was playing as duty. We went from bar -> trucks cemetery -> military warehouses -> dead city -> limansk. In dead city, after killing off the mercs so they would stop invading military warehouses, monolith began invading dead city. Got pretty brutal in such close quarters haha. That picture above is when I stumbled upon a monolith squad, one of which was looting one of my fallen duty members.

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RyckaNevaldoms - - 28 comments

You should check around if all the main characters (mechanics, leaders, traders) are in the same positions for ALL factions.
I started off as a bandit and found out that Sultan (bandit boss sitting in the bathrooms) is gone, and the main bandit trader (the guy who issues quests and has unlimited rubles) is replaced by some other fella who barely has a 1000 rubles and gives no quests (besides supply shortage) at all. The guy is a random char who can be called to join to team like any other, his only difference being the trader's goods he carries with him around.

Please re-check and fix any problems with the missing key characters of each faction (I only checked for the bandits, can't vouch for anything else). Thank you.
Btw, you deserve a Nobel prize for such a work of art.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Sure, I'll do that now. Not sure why I didn't do that in the first place haha. Probably need to make them not invincible though, as at least Nimble is invincible. Thanks for the feedback!

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Stalker-cocker - - 1 comments

Здравствуйте, а есть ли русификатор на мод?

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UsedC - - 177 comments

Ecologists' base is absolutely empty. Loners' base also lacks Nimble, Wolf and Fanatic

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Yeah I'm still working on that kind of stuff. I'll release a patch shortly to address that.

Ecologs I haven't implemented just yet because I was going to have them act in a slightly different way (travelling to anomalies primarily), but I'm not sure. I have yet to decide on that.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
UsedC - - 177 comments

Thanks for your answer! Idea with Ecologs sounds great, makes them a really neutral faction in this bloodbath. Great mod, thanks for your hard work!

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

You're welcome! So I have all those squads you mentioned spawning now. I think I'm going to stop ecologs from expanding (they'd behave like all the other factions currently; since they own a base they'll spawn and capture territory) and just have all of the ecologs hang out in the yantar base for now. Then I'll make another patch, perhaps even later today, to make them expand how I originally wanted.

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Guest - - 694,999 comments

We have a problem.. İ Love clear sky faction but librarian will disappear after i respawn in clear sky base like in 15 seconds can you fix it?

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Borovos - - 817 comments

Nice to see you create a addon like this.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to polish this up over time and ultimately have a TFW style experience spanning the entire zone.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Arrac - - 5 comments

I have little problem. Traders are moving from their places, and replaced by new ones, but new ones have limited money. Is that bug, or only my mistake somewhere? O.o

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

That is unfortunately how it is for now. You can edit squad money in gamedata/configs/gameplay/character_desc_general.xml. The reason I didn't myself is because the vast majority (probably all) weapon mods modify that file and I wanted this to be as compatible as possible.

I'm going to look into adding more money to a squad whenever they take over a trader job. Not sure if its possible but I feel like it should be.

In the mean time, you can kill that trader and a new one will come lol. A little morbid but it gets the job done.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Arrac - - 5 comments

Oh, thanks :)
Btw, still.. Nice work. I waited so long for something like this. Zone is finally living little bit.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Thanks! Hopefully I can keep making it better and better. I'm always open to feedback so if you can think of anything that'd make it better let me know!

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yanovarich - - 149 comments

For some reason I am missing gamedata/configs/gameplay/character_desc_general.xml.

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Guest - - 694,999 comments

Would it be possible to include an option where the original trader and mechanic stay there?

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Borovos - - 817 comments

It's the same thing in CoC. Not a bug. This is just you killed the trader... sometime, it's a bad choice.

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NanoTheBandit - - 1,259 comments

Oh man, i can already feel the tears in ironman mode when i get in a firefight with decent gear.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Haha I'd be super impressed if someone conquered the zone on ironman mode fighting on the front lines the entire time. Would be interesting.

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NanoTheBandit - - 1,259 comments

I could manage that, but damn, the ai is smart to hide and ambush me

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Yeah, I was going through limansk as duty and some monolith popped out of the bushes in that one big open court yard and killed the mercs I was following and almost me, then a monolith with an RPG and another with a gauss rifle decided to stroll in with all their friends. They made the NPC AI pretty damn good with CoC from what I've experienced.

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NanoTheBandit - - 1,259 comments

Try taking the bandit base out in Garbage, i didnt expect one of the bandits to be hiding on the eastern catwalk next to the windows, then i died :c The other time I tried to raid them, i was a military with some good gear (AK74 with the 1P29(?) scope and a pistol), went to attack, took oit like a good amount on the west entrance, tried to go in, one bandit popped out, tried to shoot him, another one popped out from the left and from the upper catwalk in the building, i got headshotted. Instant death, i probably shed a tear of pain.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Haha yeah, i've gotten pretty destroyed there. When I was playing there I had bandits filling nearly every opening on that catwalk, was crazy. That may have been a version with more squads being required to defend bases, so they had extra squads there.

I did have things set up to use the max population of smart terrains, but with the way the mod is set up that made for a lot of NPCs when you try to take bases (there were like 5 to 6 squads in the depot in garbage, so worst case scenario 18 enemies to take out assuming no backup came). I'm still gonna mess with that though, as that is the ideal solution to required squads to hold a base.

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Tigerlover4 - - 154 comments

Where I can find traders? And how I can send stalkers fight? I trying, but This make nothing

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Traders should be in their usual places. Squads will take over a traders job when they move into that territory. Some may not work super well.

To send stalkers to fight, open your PDA and hit insert. Then, hit the middle button "Switch Control" listed on that menu and hit cancel. After that, you will see a bunch of white, red, and green circles (mostly white, rarely red until you've set a target). Hover the mouse over a white circle and you'll see the name of the smart terrain and other details. For example, esc_smart_terrain_2_12 is the village center in cordon.

After you have the name you want, hit insert and click under the "Smart Terrain Name" label on that window that popped up. Then, type the name of the smart terrain there (again like esc_smart_terrain_2_12). After that, you hit "Send Order." If the menu closes automatically, the target was valid. If the window stays open, the target was typed in incorrectly.

It's rather counter-intuitive currently. I'll be working on a dropdown selection menu for targets for the 0.1.9 release.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Tigerlover4 - - 154 comments

Thanks you

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

You're welcome. I'll hopefully have a more intuitive faction control menu within a couple days.

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0800 - - 143 comments

Is it possible to make all of the traders unique NPCs, and for them to move with the squad? E.g. Sultan moves with a bandit squad, and relocates to different smart terrains when the squad does.

Each Trader might have to be made immortal though, to not scew up the long term reliability of a playthrough.

It would make the game totally dynamic :)

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Hmm... I could simply make the traders spawn at certain places and remove the old ones to give the illusion of them moving.

Alternatively, though this may be a bit immersion breaking, I could just spawn unique traders at every single trader smart that the player owns.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

So I'm working on right now, hopefully I'll have a release tonight. The most notable changes will be using the vanilla CoC mutant spawns, as well as having the normal faction traders back and everything so you'll be able to do tasks for them.

I'm thinking I'm just going to make two patches for money, one for AO3 and one for STCSWP. That way people can sell their stuff to squads who take over other traders jobs, though it'll still be finite money (unless I can find a way to flag their money as infinite in lua).

Although, I just looked around using findstr in command prompt and found some interesting functions that should do what I need (npc:give_money and se_smart_terrain:idNPCOnJob). So hopefully I'll have the money issues sorted out soon as well.

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epic40k - - 276 comments

I started a new game, ran to the bar and found nothing but a chimera and two blood suckers :(

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

There were probably some duty squads somewhere around there, but it takes time for them to get started. The fast update option will get more squads spawning faster though. How long was it from starting a new game until you got to the bar?

I'm working on getting another release which will hopefully address some stuff.

Or do you mean you only encountered a chimera and two blood suckers on your way? If so then yeah that can happen, the war doesn't expand to around garbage necessarily. Factions may focus on other areas first.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
epic40k - - 276 comments

I went straight to the bar at game start. The Chimera and bloodsuckers where manning the bar gate instead of duty lol. managed to take out the bloodsuckers and got away from the chimera using grenades. will I have to start a new game for the upcoming traders patch? I'll change the speed of the update and get more duty about to save me :)

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

o.o that sounds strange. I'll go over my code as well to be sure it wasn't from that. And it depends. Also I have had a few weird experiences with the bar so I need to look into it more.

I've been working on a new all.spawn file which modifies the offset of all levels to be closer to Clear Sky, or at least the distances between levels. For instance Darkscape and Dark Valley were pretty cut off from the rest of the map in the vanilla all.spawn, so squads would take a long time to travel through there. But I have nice distances between levels now.

So, if you want to use the new all.spawn, then yes, you need to start a new game. If you feel like using the old one which I don't really recommend, then no. I'll also be including other fixes like spawning unique squads (sultan nimble etc) so they won't show up until you start a new game.

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MrKAN - - 69 comments

does this mod need a new game?

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Oh damn it I didn't think it would have to reauthorize when I made a small patch. Should have put it up on mega :(

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Georg_Ravioli - - 588 comments

I wish we could have mods inside of mods with their own pages. Yours could definitely use it.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Yeah, its a bit of a bummer but oh well. I'll probably post updates here in the comments + the description, then make new pages for major releases and delete the old ones. Maybe I'll figure something else out eventually for it. I'll probably have another update tomorrow or the next day depending on what I can think of doing.

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Nuor - - 572 comments

Not important, but it doesn't like my old savegames. After forcing initiation of starting variables in factor_brain.script I get this error.
sim_squad_scripted.script:678: attempt to call method 'unregister_npc' (a nil value).

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

So you only get that with old saves? Unfortunately I didn't expect old saves to work, especially since I have a new all.spawn file with this mod. Seems like whatever you were using before didn't have the unregister_npc method from se_smart_terrain class, though I find that odd.

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Nuor - - 572 comments

I didn't use your new all.spawn (just a test). That seems odd and highly unlikely to me but I do have version of a-life unbalanced installed.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

I guess what I was meaning was this. When I was testing early on, I was getting complaints about a function missing from the faction_brain.script (update_brain function). Now, this objectively existed. I ended up realizing over time that the line it was pointing to was not correct, at least, not for THAT version of the script.

That is what is happening here I believe. Line 678 in my mods sim_squad_scripted is the start of a for loop, unregister_npc comes later. I believe it is referencing an old script when you're loading the save, or at least an old function. a-life unbalanced doesn't modify actual scripts from what I recall, just configuration files so that shouldn't matter. I'm rather new to lua but if its interpreter is based on function locations in memory, perhaps it messed with that.

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Nuor - - 572 comments

ok - thanks maybe I'll look into but it probably isn't worth the time to track it down.

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λpone - - 1,883 comments

I invaded the Bar as Monolith, but both Duty and Monolith completely ignored each other - though, they still attacked the player.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Strange. I'll look into it. I actually had a similar experience now that you mention it with Duty ignoring Bandits. Perhaps its something with the smart terrains.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Ok, thank you for bringing this up, it pushed me to figure out why this occurred. I had forgotten about the issue. I found the cause of the issue after looking at the decompiled all.spawn files. I'll patch it up shortly.

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werejew Author
werejew - - 1,451 comments

Here is a link to a fix for the issue you were having:

Make sure to reinstall your option for fast update or slow update if you were using one of those, this will override that option. Let me know if you have any problems.

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