The Decimation Chapter 16 While the stalemate continues, the Empire begins to cleanse their “impurities”. A staged game of execution is broadcasted as entertainment to the common people of the Empire. Thousands die and are cheered for their staged heroics. PLAY . SERIOUS The Decimation is a competitive clan controlled combat system. The battle-grounds and weapons are designed for perfect balance between teams. The primary game mode is a two-stage object that whatever team owns control of the middle determines offense. Player positions are vital and ideally, should change depending on offense and defense. The game is set up as a sport and the strategic team can out maneuver a team full of individuals who have superior shooting skills. The objective clearly defines areas of battle for control with dormant regions that can be used to flank the enemy or creep into position to set up the ultimate power play. Casual gamers will have their place on the field, but the truest and most enjoyable...

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Alpha Sessions (Games : Half-Life 2 : Mods : Revolt The Decimation : Forum : Alpha Sessions) New Thread
Welcome Revolt Source! SpAiD SpAiD - read

Jan 21 2007

Invitations to Beta with the clan... SpAiD SpAiD - read

Jan 21 2007


Revolt: The Decimation is an evolving game that needs to fill the fields with able players that dictate it's course in development. Join us! Together we'll create the perfect shooter!