The goal of Resistance and Liberation is to realistically portray the events and actions taken by the 82nd Airborne during their stay in Normandy. Our initial release will follow the regiments through a campaign that mimics that followed by the men themselves. The campaign will begin with players dropping into Normandy in the early hours of June 6th, with the ultimate objective of capturing the town of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. From there subsiquent maps will include missions based on other key areas after the D-Day.

MindGraper says

2/10 - Agree Disagree (3)

I did not enjoy my time playing this game. It basically involved me lying prone waiting for a silhouette that they or may not be the ennemy to blunder through the fog. Standing up for more than a few seconds will allow some unseen sniper to simply pluck you in the head. This game is realistic to an extent, but mabye hyper realism isn't what the gaming industry needs right now.