Wars of the Firstborn is a modification based on the discontinued Ridder Clan Mod for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II and for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Rise of the Witch-King expansion, which focuses on bringing to life as much of the Elven world from Tolkien’s epic as possible.


This is Version 1.07 of the RC Mod's INTERFACE! You need to have V1.07 or later installed to be able to install this version! This INTERFACE Updater updates the movies and a few other Interface things, It is not required to run the RC Mod. Just run it and the RC Mod will be updated.

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Zach4321 - - 2 comments

It's not letting me download

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GSmirlis - - 154 comments

yeah!Where is the seeds?

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Ridder-Geel Author
Ridder-Geel - - 979 comments

Odd... I am able to download it...
Its not really essential to run the mod though :P

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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