A brooding sanitarium holds an ancient power that is searching for a way to regain its hold over a New England community.

thedeadcamper says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

I feel like this mod was good, but it really lacks polish as it is.

I played the 'redux' version (which I think is parts 1 and 2) and the ambiance was great throughout, especially at the beginning. However, I think the thing that works the most against most it is the regular use of text on the screen to convey the player's reactions to things. That and the camera and control being removed from the player almost habitually during part 1 kind of took away from the experience.

Mind you, this is a good mod with a lot of potential with the creepy vibes it puts out at the very beginning. I look forward to seeing part 3 and hope that my concerns are addressed by then.

I hope the modder considers getting proper voice actors, though. Text to speech programs are kind of obvious.