portal smile has a few elements of portal2. but, this mod was released before portal2 release. and this mod is basically use korean language but you can change subtitle as english. in console, typing "cc_lang english" . but you probably notice what they say.

RSS Reviews

AD_79 says

Agree (2) Disagree (1)

Nothing about this mod is good. Level design? Incredibly uninspired. Textures? Looks like they were STOLEN from Portal Unity, and are misaligned 90 percent of the time? Voice acting? Can't tell, as I can't understand it. New ideas? Aside from the unfair crushers and timed platforms, both of which suck, not much. To sum it up, Portal: Smile is a mod which no one should play if they want a fun and interesting experience. They should go play Rexaura.


xslouis says

Agree Disagree (2)

It was pretty good with a bug here and there. Some of the tests actually provided a decent challenge. Overall, pretty good.


Hong.gd33 says

Agree Disagree (2)

Hello Guys


theemmy4501 says


whitewarri1407256402 says


mdrcd says