Just make your way through the collapsing Lambda Complex and try to survive in this catastrophe.

MrGnang says

9/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

Excellent and tightly paced. I loved the initial puzzle solving/atmosphere building maps and the slow build up to combat. When combat is involved, the player is thrust right into the thick of it, similar to the intro of the first Hopelessness mod. Brilliant idea I feel, it's a good way to spice up the game-play involving enemies we've known inside and out for over a decade. It was challenging and I did die a lot, but I felt much more rewarded for making it in the end without abusing quick-saves. Maybe I've been playing too much Dark Souls recently and have become a sucker for dying!

My main criticism would be the puzzle item arena. There is one item behind a fence that I did not notice for some time. Perhaps making it better lit would help. Plus, my other criticism was a reliance on using movable boxes to scale up ladders or over traps. The boxes would move far too often when I tried to jump on them (in particular the ladder area) and could get frustrating. I understand this is an engine problem, but one solution could be to have an object on the ground to block the movement of the box when it is in place, that it can be pushed up agasinst.

All in all, a brilliant mod, and I am looking forward to more :)