Simplex started as a branch from Complex. It has combined features from Path To Victory as well as many other mods through a long history of R&D. This mod aims to excavate the full potential of the Homeworld 2 engine and it will simply blow your mind with incredible fun!

Xan_Krieger says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

A big mod with a ton of features that starts out a little overwhelming but once you learn how to play it it's a very well done mod. The reason it doesn't get a perfect score is the occasional unit that just seems out of place (think I saw something called a sperm frigate among the Vaygr). Also they have a ship whose icon looks like a poorly drawn fish. Finally there is a ton of stuff to learn like crew requirements, energy, fleet upkeep, instructions in a text document would be nice. Those complaints aside there's a lot to love such as the new units, new races, and massive amount of new maps. There's so much variety in this mod with settings that let you tweak just about anything. It's a mod I love, just takes some getting used to at first.