Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

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some new code (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : Technical Discussion for OP CL Devkit : some new code) Locked
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pvcf Germany
Jun 23 2015 Anchor

just for the bone hard intrested ones:
have finished the destroyable entity (lamp in this case) with a additional state:
now you can shoot first the lamp off, (with visible damaging and turning off selfglowing) and then, with further impact, you can destroy it completely.

if you are interested in seeing a video about, download this avi: 150mb
what you see in this video:
first the destroyable entity have now (like my simple entities) 3 states / objcets
-active, -damaged, -destroyed
the destroyed one can then (if demanded) fall down and create the crash particle.
there is currently a bug in my code which makes it possible to destroy then even that
third one to nothing by spawning even more crashparts, i will let the "bug" in, if i
doesn't found any con's about :)

the destroyable entity have now a switch which gives him the ability to look byself for
dynamic lights in a given radius, and let them switch those lights off. (in the
testscenario you see a wide range of those red lights, every lamp (destroyable entity)
have a unique range, from 2m up to 50m, so, after destroying all lamps, every dynamic
light is then killed. ofcourse it ask's for things like sun, moon, flashlights. hm, thinking
twice there are some more lights, flashlights by AI, real lights from all fireentities and
glowsticks, have to code some more, i see -.-
the cause for those automatic look up is, that i actually have placed houndreds of
such destroyable entities and every one is connected with senderevents to his
personal uniqe slavelight. if i then change some things, it's possible that it happens that
i have to reconnect each single destroyable entity to his slavelight and choose the
right sender events. this horrible work is now obsolete and all is done automaticby code.

then you see the helmet attached to player and a comouflage attached. the comouflage
was originally designed to fit on a backpack/rucksack, thats why it hovers a little bit
over the players neck.

then you see a part of new AI code: they can absolutely neutral to player, and, after a
given event, (at this case hurt/shot by player) they turn into living nightmares :) they
also use laser on his weapons, which they only turn on from time to time for aiming.

thats the point where clothing comes in: if you now can hide from the them and THEN
change the clothes, they stop shooting at you and searching for the "old" looking player :)
but they then are for a certain time in a "mistrustful" mood (visible on screen with a timebar),
if player then draw a weapon or hurt a enemie again, they instant know that you are the old
enemy and proceed with shooting you. this all is working since hmm, 2 years in devkid :)
the idea behind is, to give the possibility to infiltrate enemy camps / areas with stolen
clothes by loosing the possibility to carry many things and weapons (by changing clothes you
loose for example your attached backacks and pockets with extra weaponslots, if i remember right,
its 2 years ago that i have coded this :D )

then you see some older stuff, for example how bullets add physical threatments to
grass where player is laying in and you see the physical power and impacts from bullets to
your player body and influence of your position angle and weaponaiming :)
then the good old fragmentation grenade with real killing fragments :D

you see also that one of the AI recognized the Grenade and try to get away backwards !

the difficulty is set to "simulation" (3/3), so player healthness affects player
movmentspeed, so its normally that he walk slower.
at last you see the AI ressurection: this is done from time to time automatic in my big
open world maps, but only (!) if player is not in near AND if one day or minimum
12hours ingame are overs. so no chance of way to fast enemie respawning like FC2.

Edited by: pvcf

Jun 23 2015 Anchor

Great work as always!

I like that destruction and its good to see that AI will not be always hostile.

But the best thing is that I can hide from enemy.

pvcf Germany
Jun 23 2015 Anchor

hiding is not so easy, it depends: once the AI have seen the player and player is THEN not visible, he will notify all his groupmembers and then he will decide what to do:
--draw back, --switch on own flashlight (if its dark), --investigate and walk or run to last known player position --do pressure fire to last known position

if his groupmembers are in near, and they have a teamleader, the standart farcry amazing KI comes in: they try to cricle the player or make fake attacks, for example. all in all i absolutely LOVE the KI in farcry, even if i have sometimes the non shooting AI like in last video, have to investigate why they dont shoot, maybe they have really not seen me or does not have had ammo. will look in if i have time :)

Jun 25 2015 Anchor

I like challenge so I don't see it as a big problem.

Also, I'm a Hitman player so I know how to hide from enemies.

pvcf Germany
Jun 25 2015 Anchor

i have AI markers in editor which i can place at hiding spots. those markers are called "investigate", that means AI will walk to this spots and look if there is someone hidden behind :D

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