A fan-produced mod that RWS included in its Fudge Pack compilation. Using the basic Postal 2 engine and elements, the game features completely new maps and a horror-based storyline that puts the player into the role of an escapee from a mental asylum similar to Manhunt 2. The zombies from Apocalypse Weekend play a major role in this modification, including a brand-new zombie (exclusive to Eternal Damnation) that resembles the plastinates of Body Worlds.

StrategistofMetal says

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10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (1)

One of the best Postal 2 mods by far. The detailed levels and lack of bugs make this game easier to run than all other Postal 2 mods I have played. Contains the gore, sick humor, and violence worthy of the game it was modded for. P.S. Don't play this around ur gf or family (contains nudity)