RUS: кремация - это русский мод, восстанавливающий оригинальный сюжет игры half-life 2, описанный в книге Raising the Bar. ENG: кремация-это русский мод восстановление оригинальная история Half-Life 2, описанный в книге “Raising the Bar”.


8/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (1)

This little mod was a nice touch of mystery as is involved into the atmospheric and mythical aura of the HL2 Beta. Indeed I think the original HL2 Beta project was even more darker and sinister than the HL2 we all have played. Well in this mod through its all 4 maps you can see that darker aura, a strange but cool oppressive superb dark environment, even scary environment.

Overall i liked the whole dark environment in all the maps, though i felt this mod more like a mapping demonstration than a complete piece of work with plenty of combat in there. Combat is very scarce indeed, so I guess the charm on this mod is about exploration, also I have to mention the overall difficulty of this mod is really hard, so be warn about it.

I think this modder could do a better mod with a bigger team on his side, as I think is kind of sad not many modders are willing to do a HL2 beta style map, i think because is hard and actually many HL2 Beta mods have been cancelled. Actually we only have the great Missing Info. And as far as i know this one.

All in all, I think this is an OK mod to play latter, and if you're looking for mods with a Beta scenario well then You will have to try this one, I also think this is special because we can actually fight a Cremator, that's a rare enemy on HL2 mods and it would be really nice if some other modders could introduce it in a creative way into a more complete HL2 Beta mod.