2 1/2 of the makers of the L4D(2) mod Dead Before Dawn went solo and created THE CORE.

kaipol says

8/10 - - 1 agree (1)

OK this was a good mod, I admit, although I found 2 glitches in JUST the first two chambers. When there is a possible glitch, I tend to find it. Meaning, I don't know how you would actually complete it. Mapping was not bad, had some good ideas. Good mod! look forward to more. Also, congratulations on being the first Single Player P2 mod to release. The rest are coop... or at least I think it is. Anyway, I give it a 8.3!

Gameplay 7/10
Story 3/10
Design 6.5/10
Challenge 7/10

Awesomeness 10/10