A guy looking forward to being a voice actor in the future.

RSS Reviews

Stargate Invasion

Early access mod review

Covenant at War

Mod review

Its a great mod I put in the top five space mods that I have. I love both sides. Its fun Covies vs Covies!


Republic at War

Mod review

This mod is the best clone wars mod I have ever seen! This mod expresses the great might of the Republic and the brute force of the CIS. I have on several occasions been over-run by the Seps but I still prevail! GLORY TO THE REPUBLIC!!!


Empire at War Expanded: Thrawn's Revenge

Early access mod review

You guys did an amazing job with the lazers and the Mon Cala ships. This mod is truly the best Civil War mod ever.


Knights of the Old Empire 1 - Awakening

Mod review

This mod is amazing and I like the story I would give it an 11 but they wont let me. Great work!