Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas posuere velit at ante viverra, sit amet tristique odio iaculis. Integer ac iaculis leo, at pulvinar massa. Nulla enim est, convallis at risus sed, eleifend tristique quam. Phasellus ut auctor erat. Aliquam vehicula, lectus id malesuada viverra, metus massa ultricies enim, in faucibus eros elit ac odio. Integer rutrum leo non bibendum interdum. Nunc rhoncus mollis nulla, nec commodo augue gravida sagittis. Pellentesque bibendum congue mauris eget fermentum. Ut et finibus dolor. Aenean mollis enim iaculis magna vulputate porttitor. Nunc mattis risus hendrerit tortor pulvinar, eget consectetur quam interdum. Pellentesque quam erat, vestibulum eu ligula ut, auctor viverra justo. Curabitur ligula risus, bibendum ac augue auctor, sagittis vulputate libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean et mi odio. Pellentesque et auctor justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Report RSS Pokemon Y Nuzlocke

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Hello one and all to my Pokemon Y Nuzlocke challenge with yours truly, Ori. This is a legitimate challenge played on a legally owned New 3DS XL using a Pokemon Y cartridge updated to 1.5

Nuzlocke Rules:

  • Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
  • The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. If the first encounter in the area is a Double Battle in dark grass, the player may choose which of the two Pokémon they would like to catch. If there's a static encounter in the area, the player is allowed to capture them despite already capturing a Pokémon in that area. Shiny Pokémon also do not apply to this rule.
  • The general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.

Optional Rules:

  • Starter Pokémon is based on the player's Trainer ID number. If the last number is 1-3 the player starts with a Grass type, 4-6 is Fire type, 7-9 is Water type, 0 is the player's choice.
  • Species/Dupes Clause: Adjusting the first encounter rule to prevent the player from having to catch multiple of the same Pokémon, for the sake of variety. Generally this means that the trainer can keep fighting Pokémon in the area until one is encountered that has not been caught yet, which then immediately counts as the first encounter.
  • As another mercy rule, if the player runs into a Shiny Pokémon, the player may still catch it, regardless of whether or not it is the first encounter in the area. It also does not need to be released if it faints. This is often called the Shiny Clause.
  • Found Revives may be used, purchased Revives may not.
  • Should a black out/white out occur, the player is allowed to keep playing with Pokemon left in the PC.


Falken and his mom just moved from a war-torn Johto region into a Kanto-occupied Kalos region during the second Pokemon war. Unfortunately they bring the war with them and Falken is drafted by the local warlord Professor Augustine Sycamore into his army of child soldiers so-called "trainers".

Young Falken must compete with rivals, travel from town to town, challenge Sycamore's military governors in their "gyms" and gain victory over the elite four, Sycamore's top generals. Only then can Falken secure his freedom and hope to end the war.

Current Location/Progress: Road 3.

The team:

Mr. Cell - Scatterbug - Level 4

Sgt. Eagle - Pidgey - Level 8

Team profiles:

  • Sprout was the first Pokemon assigned to Falken by Sycamore, seems to be a mutated rat.
  • Mr. Cell was caught in the napalm-bombed remains of the forest between Road 2 and Road 3.
  • Sgt. Eagle is possibly related to Captain Falcon or is actually just a pigeon.
  • Cyan seems to be another mutated rat. Sycamore's villainy knows no bounds.

The dead:

Sprout - Chespin - Level 11 - Roundhouse kicked to death by a Riolu on Detourner Way.

Cyan - Azurill - Level 9 - Crushed by a rolling Dunsparce on Detourner Way.


None yet.

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