Hi, everyone I am Bloc97, I live in Canada. I am kind and friendly, I love modding/fixing/making stuff on the computer!

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My MODS INVedit Is Finally Finished!

Bloc97 Blog

After Weeks of Trying and Finding, I have managed to finish my new INVedit for MODS!!!
It includes lots of mods :
- 303's Arrow Mod
- Risugami's Elemental Arrows
- Elemental Bows
- SDK's Gun Mod
- SDK's Grappling Hook
- SDK's Utlilty Mod
- Risugami's Shelf
- And MORE!

Here is a image of this special INVedit :

As You can see, it contains separators to help noobs! BUT DON'T ADD THEM! I REPEAT FOR NON-LISTENERS : Do NOT ADD THEM IN YOUR INVENTORY OR IT WILL [Content Deleted] YOUR MAP!!

I Hope you guys liked my idea and support me! If you want a MOD to be added in the next version (v2) post it in the comments and I may add them when I will finish it!

Also for the last thing : I DIDN'T USE THE [Content Deleted] SDK's Custom Files For INVedit!