Add job Report Logo and Banner Artist for Bakz Entertainment at Bakz Entertainment

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Online.

Posted by BakzEntertainment on

We are looking for a skilled artist that can make Logos, Banners or other graphical things that could be needed for games, websites and/or videos.

You need to be atleast 15 years of age and have Skype. This is a non-paid position, but you will be reciving a share of the % we make monthly. More about that can be discussed if you decide to apply. However to recive payments from us you need to be over 16 years of age. This is due to the law in Norway where we are located that you need to be 16+ to recive payments for work.

The job is a very simple job. Make some logos, banner or other graphics that we might request and earn yourself some mmoney whilst doing it. You decide yourself when you work, but you have a deadline of 5 days after the request. If you do well in your job, you might be promoted to lead designer which allows you to hire people to work for us as designers. If you're interested in this job, please do not hesitate to apply. The position will most likely be taken fast so there is no time to lose.


- A microphone.
- Knowledge with programs like Photoshop etc.
- Friendly personality.

To Apply

Please send a resume to including the best work you have done, your skype and other information you'd like us to know.