Sushi Quest is an unique game which combines exploration in 3D with lots of puzzles. The game itself takes lots of elements from classics from the 90s, and bring them to this new age of gaming! This is a very puzzle heavy game, with lots of exploration, if you like SNES classics like Zelda or Lost Vikings, you probably will love this! Features three playable characters, each one with different powers (flames, water and electricity). Find tons of puzzles and collectible items in each of the colorful stages, each featuring a new challenge. Explore a pirate ship, run through the sewers, escape from a flooding factory, and much more! Are you good enough to unlock all the stages, find all secret medals and save all lost kittens? Features: - 3 player characters with different abilities - 4 zones, with a total of 20 stages - Lots of secrets to find - Available for Linux and Windows, DRM Free. NOTE - If you do not have sound in-game, please install OpenAL.

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