Outlaws is a first-person shooter released by LucasArts in 1997 using an enhanced version of the Jedi game engine, first seen in Star Wars: Dark Forces. It is one of the very few FPS games with a Wild West setting. CG animation sequences, with special filters to look hand drawn, play between each mission and set up the action in the next area. It is the first video game to feature a sniper zoom. Although not a huge financial success, the game received a cult following.

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Red Hot

Red Hot

Singleplayer Map

This is a odd CD-Rom from 1997 by UK Action, Red Hot is a unofficial expansion pack that contains levels, utilities, tutorials for level making, and patches...

Multiplayer Map Pack

Multiplayer Map Pack

Multiplayer Map 1 comment

1876 maps (im dead serious). as far as i know all of em multiplayer.