In NeonXSZ (pronounced Neon Excesses) you are injected into cyberspace to stake your place in a war of virus verses machine. During your journey you will fly dozens of spaceships with hundreds of upgrades allowing you to create totally unique spacecraft with which to wage war. Will you protect the operating system or join the infection to bring it down? NeonXSZ is our little homage to Descent combined with the frenetic adrenaline pumping feel and gameplay mechanics of Quake. Then add Diablo's loot explosions, rpg elements, leveling up, procedurally generated environments and enemies. Finish it all off with truly open-world gameplay inside a micro ecosystem of up to one thousand unique little AI dudes buzzing around getting into fights and doing their own thing. In NeonXSZ, gamespeed, enemy damage and enemy intelligence are all customizable to suit everyone from a complete novice through to the most elite hardcore 6DoF veteran.

QonQon says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

I've been playing and testing this game for months now. When I started it was great, and it has just been improved a lot in every area since then. NeonXSZ feels great, looks great, is fun and addictive. Every enemy you enqounter is using the same upgrades, hulls and gadgets that you qan unlock and you qan unlock it by qollecting the pieces of their wreck. Battles in NeonXSZ are never a repetitive grind, instead the AI is made to fight lika a human player which fits great in a first person shooter! They aim, move, utilize tactics and gadgets based on their personality and they design different loadouts. Since they are playing by the same rules as you it's possible to even learn from them and pick up tactics that they use. If you like 6DOF FPS games that requires some skill (though there's at least 4 ways to adjust the difficulty to suit anyone) and want to avoid boring grind then this is The Game! Fun from the start!
Even though this is labled as alpha it is basically bug free and while it only has a fraction of the qontent of final release that small fraction of qontent is already 25h+ (I've spent that many times over). It's cheap too ;)