How long can you survive the post-apocalyptic wastelands of NEO Scavenger? In the near-future, supernatural activity and human warfare have fragmented mankind into pockets of civilization struggling to survive in wild and dangerous lands. You awaken alone in an abandoned facility with no food nor water, and only a hospital gown and some mysterious items as clues to your identity. NEO Scavenger is a game where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse!

Cerberon says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

I really like this game, its still in beta of course and its just a taste of what it can one day become.

But still, I keep coming back, even if its just to find another can of soup or to scavenge another shack.

When I first tried the beta I ended up sleeping the next day instead, even if that time was spent with mostly restarts the first 2-3 hours.

Since I've always liked games with depth in the details, I really like just how advanced scavenging actually is with all options.
And post-apocalyptic games has long been a favourite.

Its all about the scavenging, the endless puzzling in your inventory, and the feeling when its all organized and you are rested and ready for another adventure.
For that's what each hex represented, a small adventure in itself.