In the wake of the past events, the city of Karthal, once a proud colony of the Holy Empire located in the Agyn Peninsula, is on the verge of secession. Control the destinies of four adventurers as they become entangled in the political machinations and intrigues unfolding in and around Karthal. Various powers, both old and new, are vying for control of the city. As they grow in power and fame, the adventurers’ actions will determine the fate of the Agyn Peninsula, and if they are heroic and diligent, prevent the ghosts of the past from casting a dark shadow upon the region’s future.

RSS Reviews

waltc says

Agree Disagree

Great game with super possibilities. Ubisoft stopped supporting it too soon, though, as there are some things that need fixing and polish, yet. I've played through the game three times with various parties and never found a show-stopper. Definitely worth the $25-$30 you will have to pay for this at most...


pawelpm7 says

Agree Disagree



Mythaa says


TheUnbeholden says