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It's been a While

It's been a While

Aperture Beginnings 3 comments

It's been a while... How have you been...? So to quickly sum things up, we abandoned Aperture Beginnings. Including myself.

Where I all left you in SUSPENSE

Where I all left you in SUSPENSE

Aperture Beginnings 4 comments

Anyway, just to sums things up we all took a slight holiday to get our lives sorted. I'm sorted but the other 2 (not including voice actor) are still...

Slight Late Australia Day Update (Dead?)

Slight Late Australia Day Update (Dead?)

Aperture Beginnings 2 comments

Hello My name Is NunamedDragon, I'm the newest member of the Aperture: Beginnings, mod team. You may remember me from Alyx's Story Mod....