Tiberium Secrets was a C&C3; mod that was developed from 2011-2020. Our vision was to create a future for the Command & Conquer universe. We had 3 new factions planned, and managed to release 1/3 of our planned content. We scoped too big, and unfortunately needed to cancel the other 2 new factions. These included novel mechanics, lore, and IP. etc. Development has been sign sealed, and delivered. All that is required to play the ASI is a working copy of C&C3;: Tiberiumn Wars. All of the content is FREE! Of Charge. Explore to your hearts content! Love it or hate it, all things must end, so new things can grow.

Report RSS Tiberium Secrets postmortem

This is a perspective of our development of Tiberium Secrets, this is just how far we've come.

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New official Honor Games Logo

By Eric Chou GeneralJist



This is from my perspective and may be biased in any number of ways. We had originally planned on doing this at the end of 2021 as core leadership, but due to a variety of factors, it didn't happen. Prime among this, the exodus, which I will cover here, I will try not to do a "history" of our organization, as that is already public on our website. I will aim to focus on the lessons and challenges we faced as a development team. I may refer to our history from time to time to keep things chronological and grounded, so I'd recommend reading that before you read this.

As of this date, two of the key core leadership personnel are no longer in contact, Fandore (creative art director) and Jfod, (narrative director), they both left with their respective projects and departments in December of 2021. They had been with us since 2011 and 2015, respectively.

So, without further ado, The Tiberium Secrets postmortem...

Tiberium Secrets was started by Umbrella Secrets in September 2009, and he was the only member until May 2011. During this time, he took on the entire project, scoping and planning out the entire mod by himself. He originally planned for the ASA - All seeing Army. This was meant to be a faction based on the Illuminati.

Fandore joined specifically for 2 reasons. First, he wanted to divert this direction, as it was dangerous to highlight these themes. Second, he saw this project as one of the few being different from the other mods. For reference, this was May 2011.

Preproduction is traditionally meant to be the most creative part of development. This was not the case for us, as Umbrella Secrets kept tight control of the scope plans and direction of the project. In retrospect, this is something that was a double-edged sword. On one end, design was clear and focused, on the other end, we were very insular. Striking that balance between new concepts and continuing the existing direction would be something I would also struggle with as the project unfolded.

In retrospect, we should have been doing continuous recruitment, allowing people to get in on the ground floors. This did not happen, and as a result of our siloed nature, we would have issues in recruitment. Despite these issues, recruitment had been consistently successful in terms of quality and caliber of applicants.

One of our keys to success and being able to attract and retain talent was our structure. This is critical if you want to make anything for any extended length of time. By structure, I don't just mean the structure and documentation of your project, but the structure and documentation of your organization. I call these documents and people “load-bearing”: just as a building has load bearing walls and pillars, your project and organization will need load bearing people and documents.

From my experience to have a successful and stable game dev team, you need solid leadership in art, administration, and code. A key person underpinning and responsible for each, not just in the management of the department, but in ownership of the tasks and execution. When I say "administration" I mean the business functions: from marketing, to general business, to public relations, to human resources, to management. Yes, a tall order. There is a reason why finding suitable management is always a challenge, no matter your industry. Art and code departments should be self-explanatory; however there is another key insight that should help you. Managers and leads are subtle but different. Managers are administrators, while leads are the best performers you can find. Be it through training, education or self-taught. The best performers may not make good managers. And in fact, are often terrible managers.

Building an effective strategy for all of this is challenging, but I fundamentally believe that your passion will carry you through.

Another lesson I learned is to let passion flow, even if it conflicts with your procedures. You may have a specific way of doing things, I definitely did. From the structure I built, I developed a standardized procedure of recruitment and onboarding for Tiberium Secrets. it went like this:

  1. Post a standardized job Ad for each position, by consulting with the respective department lead.
  2. Post ads in all relevant online places I have access to
  3. Wait for applicants to trickle in
  4. Make sure applicants provide their time zone, resume, education/experience, and portfolio.
  5. Schedule an audio interview with the applicants we wanted.
  6. Extend the contract document to those applicants that we wanted
  7. Make sure contract was signed correctly
  8. Give the new member access to our central document repository, hosted on Google Drive
  9. Give them 1 full week of "orientation time", in which they are not expected to do anything besides getting familiar with our files, project and progress
  10. File and document all of this in our Human Resources folder

And this is just our HR process.

I know many of you are not like myself; you're more programmers or artists. but having a person like me take over and lead production, HR, and PR can take a lot of stress off of you, leaving you free to focus on the project itself. I like to tell my department leads, you worry about the product, I worry about the organization.

Many of our community were disappointed and frustrated by our scope cutting, and how we had promised 3 factions, yet only delivered one, which is understandable from a public relations perspective. From a design perspective, most of y’all have no idea just how long and hard it took just to execute one new faction. These expectations and scope creep is a direct result of what I call "the pessimism of experience". We were all new to modding and game dev. Thus we overestimated our abilities, and underestimated how long and how hard implementation would take. People who are experienced know how hard it is, they know the road they took to get them to where they are today, so they are more cautious with their time. And are better in communicating scope creep concerns. However, this naivete allowed us to shoot for the stars.

As you can probably tell, we did things a bit differently than the other mods in our space, beyond that, we looked towards the future of the Command and Conquer franchise, which is exactly the opposite of what most of the other C&C mods were doing. I've harped before on the place of nostalgia in our community, so I'll leave it at that on this point. Nevertheless, this is one of the things that made us stand out. For most of our existence, we were ignored by the conventional C&C modding community. I would surmise that this is because of our very direction and focus. The original purpose of Tiberium secrets was to add new factions, and we did our best to do that.

The other thing we brought to the table, that is usually overlooked in modding, is lore. We introduced oodles of lore; this feature was something that has been well documented as something that both attracted people as well as set us apart. There is a reason why story is king in most creative genres. In games, Code is usually king, but nevertheless, I'd recommend you keep lore in mind, no matter your development stage. Something that C&C did well is that it understood the relationship between story and gameplay. Most games prioritize one over the other. Having them work hand in hand is critical if you want to recreate the balance and success we've tasted.

I could go on and on about the success we've had, and the people this project has allowed us to network with, but that is all well documented, and isn't likely as interesting or helpful to you, the mod maker or indie developer, but I'll just say this, you know how they say, it's not what you know but who you know? well it's both, it's about what you tell who you know. It's about building a community, building relationships. At the end of the day, it's all about what you can build, and who will go on that journey with you. At the end of the day, you know how they say it’s about the journey not the destination? Well development is about the experiences you have not just the end product you make. If I could go back in time, and tell myself just how hard, crazy, cool, and rewarding Tiberium Secrets development would have been, I would not believe myself. I would not believe all the things that have happened, the good and the bad, the frustration and the joy.

Another thing that I should touch on is, why mod? This is ModDB of course, but many people choose to go the indie route, bypassing and looking down on mod makers. Well, modding will allow you to create around established limitations. This is a critical problem solving and critical thinking skill that will serve you well in life, if learned, and applied the right way, and of course, we mod for the passion, for the honor of our beloved franchises, but what does that really mean? what does it break down to in a job interview, or in terms your friends outside of this field can understand? It's about inspiration, inspiration so powerful it facilitates and encourages new adaptations–new and old growth–of a game franchise.

Firing Squad

I know full well that Tiberium Secrets has left its mark, not just on me and the people who were here, but on the industry. I see it every day in the new waves of RTS games that are returning in this renaissance. I hear people talk about it, and see discussions online. So, as we end this chapter in the history of Honor Games, know and understand what I call, "the paradox of creation": Creation doesn't happen in a vacuum, doesn't happen out of nothing, it happens as a reaction to inspiration, it happens as a channeling of our emotions of our life's purposes. It happens to solve a personal problem we have. The cycles of creation continue far beyond the boundaries of our lives. So, if you are starting or continuing a journey of creation, know that you have my support, and know that no matter what you create, or how you choose to do so, it will leave a mark on your life, and everyone your creation touches. So, knowing that, be responsible for what you bring into this world. Because if you don't, it may be tainted by negative passion, and once that happens, it usually stays in that energy form.

I could go on and on about how Tiberium Secrets has changed my life. (And yes, I've even written a book on this very topic.) Yet it's more critical for me to try and pass on the legacy that the Tiberium Secrets core leadership team has started. So, if you are a leader anywhere, keep in mind that what you should be focusing on in this industry, in this day and age, is not control of your people, but how to be a responsible leader. This weighs on me every day, every damn day, how to do the responsible thing for my people, for my community, and for my world. I know we are making games here, but what you are really doing, at all levels of creativity, is you are making culture. This is not just the export of the Western movie industry; it’s what games are to us, and to our successive generations.

So, as I promised to answer, what happened to Honor Games? Why did two of our best people leave? They were people I used to call Friends, and if you know me, that means something. Sigh, well, they were uncomfortable with my mental health diagnosis, they found it too risky, and the fallout of each episode was too high a cost.

And yet, more and more research has linked mental health with creativity. We didn't just lose the movers and shakers of Tiberium Secrets, but of Honor Games as well. And if Umbrella Secrets is out there, I hope your life and health stabilize, I know the sacrifices you made to get us this far, I paid that price too. But in our sacrifices, we forge new connections, new ideas, new seeds, so the future can play out as it needs to. In making the circuses of our modern age, we know where we've been.

As I end this document, I urge you all to take stock of what you have, be grateful, and work to build the life you want for yourself.

We will try an indie version Tiberium Secrets in the future, what I call Equation of Humanity. But if you've made anything, you will know that there is magic in the act of creation.

Thank you all for continuing this journey with us. We would not be who we are, without all of you out there. And to those struggling in silence, to those who develop alone, I tell you, I am here for you, and if you want to talk about the cost of progress, I know full well–let me know.

And now,

"Faith before fortune “~Nod

Nod Scorpion Tank

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

There is not much to say about this. It feels like some self glorification about something no one asked for. You say you love the comminuty, but look down on modders in general. Well not to hussle further, it will be a waste to give someone the attention they don't deserve. I feel the members of the honor games should be the ones talking not the CEO, he is busted..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+28 votes
Valiran9 - - 124 comments

Uhhh...can someone fill me in on what's going on?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Whyarewehere - - 83 comments

Hi mate, well based on the history of General Jist, they are taking about how he posted a negative comment on the Tiberium Essense page, it blew up and they went after General Jist. He kept his point he did nothing wrong, and it went on and on.

Also to a degree he was very hostile to the Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars Modders in general. He acted jealous to a few mods and people took note of this. He is seen as a jealous guy, who couldn't take it when people liked other mods and not his. He sees his mod as the best mod for Tiberium Wars, but it didn't achieve it's initial scope of adding three new factions, hence him explanation of this article. But as for the best mod, this mod is not the best as he believes, that would be Tiberium Essense and Firestorm.

Now I am not starting a war here or what, just stating my own observations. If you look at the top comment for some reason it has alot of Karma points, that says the community agrees with that statement. It shows how the people feel about him. I have argued enough with General Jist, to a point it repeats and just gave me a headache (look on this mods page). My advice is just don't come to this page anymore. I came here since there was an update but how I regret coming back.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Valiran9 - - 124 comments

You mean the comment he made on this post? Moddb.com

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Whyarewehere - - 83 comments

No, that's one of the examples what he does in general. The main problem, you will need to go deeper into the main page of tiberium essense mod. It's a long article about him taking his frustrations out on Tiberium Essense and how his mod is better, basically stating how amazing his mod is. Also attacking Carnius in the process. To make matters worse instead of an apology, he doubled down and did it again. So then the fight went from there to Tiberium Secrets. Alot of people thought it was real poor taste that he did it and he has had flak for that ever since. He tends to really get aggressive, if you take him on about his claims. If you have time, go into the tiberium secrets main page and look at my discussion with him. You will see what I mean. Anyway I am not here to start some war with him again, I am just stating what happened.

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,212 comments

Good riddance.

You've been nothing but a jerk, dissing modders, doing nothing for your own mod, and basically painting this picture of self-glorification and more. No one will miss you guys, honestly. You've done nothing but bring misery and a collective concert of eye-rolling and sighs.

Better luck in the real world, I hope.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
Valiran9 - - 124 comments

What are you talking about? I have no idea what’s going on.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

You are trying to paint a picture where the community like you and you were the beacon of light, that you are kind and understanding, the role model person in the tiberium wars community. The reality is, you are the exact opposite. Hostile, vile to people that don't agree to your point of view. The original team left because of you, what made tiberium secrets special left when you took the reins. The mod never achieved anything under your leadership GeneralGist, you are trying to paint a picture here of what wonders tiberium secrets did, reality is, it did nothing special. The two that left your mod, they are the try innovators of TS, not you, not you at all. You are basically just riding on what they did and I feel sorry for the rest of honor games members, especially the new people. The Final "what we did for the community" won't be missed and under your leadership as a person, honor games will close it's doors.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
GeneralJist Author
GeneralJist - - 474 comments

If I was so horrible, and such a do nothing person that yall paint me as, things would have fallen apart years ago.
No, for the most part of Tib sec's history, we were ignored by the C&C modding community.

at least some people have the courage of there convictions to comment under their account.

My only conclusion is I threaten yall so much through my success some of yall are forced to reflect on what you accomplished in your own lives. If those 2 people who left were the REAL Innovators why have they not surfaced with their own projects? if I REALLY DID AS LITTLE AS YALL THINK, then it should have been easy, barely an inconvenience.

I have documentation for everything, if I was not around, Tib sec would have never reached where it is now.

I am an American, and I believe in freedom of expression, but if yall cross over into violent language again, I'll need to report you all.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

Looking at your so called self written book proves everything that is just plain wrong with you. You wrote a book about your life which has no more importance than a dog relieving itself on the side walk.

Your company has so little to offer in the first place that what you have in term of a team doesn't count much as one in the first place.

You really are sensitive about those two that left. You reply to no other comment except this one. It means there is truth to those words that those people left because of you and they were the real people behind TS. You can't swallow what they did for TS, that you are just left over crumbs taking credit for someone else's work. Your "account of events in the company's history", I believe it far from the truth you like to portray. Things that you don't want people to know about. Things that will make you look very look bad if it came out. Well how over react about it is proof on its own. If you were not around, TS would have probably finished it's initial goals of 3 new factions.

Being American, anyway good luck on that one....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
GeneralJist Author
GeneralJist - - 474 comments

I responded to this post as I actually had something to say, most of the other comments were just borderline harassment.

Believe what you will, you and most of the guests are the ones who are the really do nothings.

I challenge you or anyone else to dig up documentation of this false reality you all seem to live in. I'm so certain of what we've said and documented that I'll paypal you $500 if your able to find FACTS that fully prove your delusion.

However, if your unable to do so, you must publicly apologize here on our main page, and not just stop your behavior here, but you must be my watchdog for future haters.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

You wouldn't be able to handle the truth even if it hit you in the face. You cannot fix someone that is delusional as you. In your world you did something revolutionary, in reality you failed at every task you aimed for. As a company as a team, you failed them. You try to label your work as gradure, but it IS labeled as a failure. This reflects on the leadership.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

I wonder why you were ignored, I wonder, well actually it is easy, it's your bad attitude. Look how you reply, look at how you treated people in the past. Look how you attacked modders out of pity and jealousy. If you add all of this up, it's no wonder no one cares about this mod, it's because of you, not the team, just you. You are a problem child, if you would stop talking and allow your team mates to talk, you mod would have been better received.

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GeneralJist Author
GeneralJist - - 474 comments

Umm, the entire point of my job was to talk for the team so the team could focus on actual development. That should have been obvious...Do the artists and programmers have time to write long posts about what they are doing? It's clear most of you have no idea what a "producer" does.


I still challenge you or anyone to dig up proof of your delusion WHERE I was this jealous tyrant. If I was as yal paint me, I'd not be able to get anything done. I lived and breathed this project for nearly a decade, I'm sure you all have a better sense of what it is and what it was all about than me...Go **** off and find another corner of the internet WHERE YOU can Spew your reality where you can feel better about yourself by putting others down. We've actually accomplished something, and that threatens yalls ego so much that you all say what you say.

I may tolerate trolls and haters and maybe even the occasional fake news perspective, but what I will not tolerate is Ignorance. Educate yourself before you jump on a hate train.

Tiberium Secrets Stands on it's own as a product, with all this hate, I'm wondering why we even considered patching, the impact might not be worth the time it would take out of our schedules.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

Yes, this is why you are hated and this is proves my point perfectly. You are really everything people say about you. This post right here without a doubt is why people don't like you. They pointed out everything you did and this post is evidence in it's own right.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments


Funny part about this, when someone is guilty of something, they will lash out like this. We all know who your are that's why most people don't even check this out. Personally I just saw your article on the moddb header and saw this. Nothing new, just the tune playing. Moving on.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

Oxford and Merriam Webster should update their definitions for "delusions of grandeur" to include this article as reference material.

"Am I wrong for expecting to be more successful as an entitled prick who spent 10 years of a mod that went nowhere than other creators that have actually produced a significant amount of content whilst having positive interractions with others?

"No, its is the rest of the C&C community that is the problem..."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Martinoz - - 326 comments

What the heck, that post is so delusional. It's like reading about AAA modification that did not meet expectations, but in fact we talk about pile of unfinished stuff that was overhyped.

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ns-mars - - 609 comments

So my hype has died

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

First you state you stopped development of the mod. You hate the community because they don't see your vision. Then you vilify the community. Then you write about your journey about your mod like you are moving on, now you want to develop it again. Is there anything you say what you actually mean. At this point you are like a traffic light on and off with everything you say. You say you are a CEO and you go on like this, just how do you run a business.....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
GeneralJist Author
GeneralJist - - 474 comments

buttoning up tib sec was my original intention, but situations change, and I must navigate it.

I don't go to Your house to bitch to your HOA that your lawn needs cutting, now do I?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GeneralJist Author
GeneralJist - - 474 comments

The situation will become clear soon.

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Guest - - 695,192 comments

He holds no executive role in any organization, and it would be inappropriate to refer to him as a CEO. In fact, there is only one individual in the realm of C&C modding who can rightfully bear the title of Chief Executive Officer, and that individual is theGunrun.

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