C&C: ShockWave is an enhancement mod for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. The main goal of this mod is to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with more diversity between the generals, making you think twice before you select a certain general, and overall provide more choices, diversity, and strategic freedom than in Zero Hour - while keeping the spirit and design direction of the original Generals game and storyline.


for fans of single player content and the Shockwave Mod comes a completely new experience! Original campaigns reactivated and new general challenges.

Shockwave Single Player Experience
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 199)
Radu273 - - 1,480 comments

GREAT. I will surely try it

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Fatburger_3 - - 2 comments

I'm psyched! Can't wait to get home and try it out!

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IvanderLim - - 1,190 comments

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

Thanks for your feedback!

That is an odd behaviour of the (stupid) AI, it's similar to the bug in Juzhiz map, where he drops his special powers at the edge of the map.

The script used to launch the Super-Specialweapons actually should guide the AI towards your most expensive cluster of buildings/units.

I'll have another look at it.

Please let me know if you find more bugs

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

Sounds amazing! Sicne the developers are lazy, here are the modders!

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

They're not lazy, it's just that they put too much effort into multiplayer, which nobody cares about.

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dm5k - - 14 comments

Wish they would give the skirmish AI a face lift. It's extremely easy on hard :/

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kalidrone - - 1,441 comments

No problem, i'll refrain from progressing on that map until it gets fixed. The V1 strikes may be slightly unfair, but if they can at least be delayed until a suitable amount of time passes then I won't mind it too much, and delaying the Soyuz Missile timer from activating early is a much needed thing as well. The infantry general was MUCH more fair compared to Deathstrike, seriously. DX

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

interesting bug with the cluster missile....did it happen every time you launched it or just every now and then?
I remember experiencing the same bug in an earlier version of Shockwave (without my modded maps). Happened during the fight against Granger (Airforce). The missile just dissapeared after launching.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

i looked into it a bit deeper and it seems to be a hardcoded bug with the cluster missile...sometimes it happens.

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INCREDIBILIS - - 302 comments

Thank you for the time and dedication on providing us new content on Shockwave. As a fellow Command and Conquer Fan i tip my hat on you. :-) It's a 10-10!

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

Thank you! :)
Glad you enjoy it.

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Cam-C&C - - 176 comments

Awesome! About to check this out. Will let you know if I come across any bugs.

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Sternjaeger - - 328 comments

Looks like this made me reinstall the game!

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J0H0RDT - - 11 comments

There is a bug in general ironside challenge the fuel air bomb plane spawn inside my base and destroy everything

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

do you mean that tha plane appears out of thin air in the center of your base and drops the bomb or that it flies in from the edge and drops its payload?
The first would be a bug and it would be interesting if that happens more than one time (also if others who read this observed the same thing).
If the second then you need more aa defence ;)

EDIT: Nvrmnd..just observed what you described in the video above. I'll look into it.
Thank you for your feedback. :)

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

i tried to fix with help it but i'm afraid it is some hardcoded bug.
It can happen now and then due to the AI cheating and has nothing to do with the scripting of the map.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

i managed to fix it, had to remove the MOAB though, but IMO the B52 fits Ironsides charachter better than the B2

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DarkKnightofOne - - 29 comments

Same bug with gla in rotr 1.87 but their toxin bomb on some maps so maybe not so strange after all? ^^
Also thx for the great mod.

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Rus32 - - 58 comments

I love u guys!

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

just realized this is new haha.I dont have the proof but I encountered some problems when playing USA campaign in medium up to the 5.
-You have access to almost every vehicle in the first missions (i guess this is more balance than bug)
-the aurora bomber appears in the gen powers but not in the airfield
-unlike unmoded campaigns the general stars dont carry from one mission to another so you always start as 1star again
PD: if i play again i and see a problem i will save it. And GREAT JOB AND THANKS!!

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

-You have access to almost every vehicle in the first missions (i guess this is more balance than bug)
--> that is intentional, to have fun with all the new units Shockwave provides for the vanilla sides
-the aurora bomber appears in the gen powers but not in the airfield
--> I'll look into it so the button won't show where you shouldnt be able to build aurora bombers
-unlike unmoded campaigns the general stars dont carry from one mission to another so you always start as 1star again
--> was that a thing in the original game? I don't think it's necessary in this mod also i wouldn't know how to code that.

Thank you for your feedback!

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KuPoZzz - - 4 comments

Finally beat the campaign for all the factions in HARD mode after much restart and rage quits. Just like others has pointed out, some of the triggers/flags are broken/wonky and might require a bit of creativity/restart because of bad RNG to beat some of the missions, the biggest problem for me is losing units during scripted/cinematic events, but other than that its a pretty fun experience. Heres my feedback for stages with the biggest problems:

GLOBAL: theres a bit problem with some of the general promotion/tech tree, like for example you can take the aurora bomber promotion but cant produce any because the mission doesnt allow you to

USA: ZERO HOUR mission 2: truck convoy doesnt move, skipping this part of the mission completely, making it even easier

GLA: GENERALS mission 1: your units can die during cutscene/the enemy units doesnt die during the chinese base assault intro, if you're unlucky you might lose most of your good units thus making it impossible to destroy the enemy base
GENERALS mission 2: convoy wont drop resources when destroyed, the civilian AI will grab the resources very fast making you unable to obtain them. manages to beat this by capturing the oil refinery and holding on until i get 20k, its pretty boring. also USA planes wont drop supply when destroyed, though they will still airdrop them

CHINA: GENERALS mission 7: similar to GLA mission 1, good units can die during cutscene while some of their units didnt die, problem is that you're supposed to destroy their small base with whatever units you have, the only plausible way is to cheese it with overlord speaker and inferno cannons, this mission is the worst one imo
ZERO HOUR mission 2: after waiting for the reinforcement timer, your scripted helix can die during the trip to your nuke reactors, i got mine getting shot down by quads with my dozer on it. had to beat the mission by capturing one of the enemy base because i dont have any dozers to build anything lol

special mentions to the infamous CHINA ZERO HOUR mission 3, its actually even harder than the original because of its AI

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

GLOBAL: since this was a learning expierience for me, i only figured out how to adjust the tech tree during the later stages and didn't have the nerve to go through every map yet again since i wanted to release the add on.
But i will look into it as soon as i have time.

USA: ZERO HOUR mission 2: okay....odd...i'll try and fix it

GLA: GENERALS mission 1: i'll see if i can fix that death during cutscene thing...it's annoying and i tried to remidy it during the first China mission (where GLA attacks the city with a nuke) but had no success. it's really a bit of RNG and tough luck if too many units die to then complete the objective but if all fails i'll try and add more starting units to ensure the completion of the objective on HARD

GENERALS mission 2: but of a sucky mission i know, as i explained in a post above, it appears to be intentional, that the trucks and planes dont drop crates when you destroy them before the drop...i'll check out the code, maybe i can make them spawn it, otherwise i'll increse the number of crates they deliver.

CHINA: GENERALS mission 7: i'll check it out

ZERO HOUR mission 2: sounds like a bug...perhaps the damage output of quads was weaker in original game so they wouldnt kill the helix.

special mentions to the infamous CHINA ZERO HOUR mission 3, its actually even harder than the original because of its AI
hope thats a good thing

Thank you very much for your big feedback. With this info i can make this addon work better in future versions.

I will gather all the bugs you guys give me and then get to work, so it will take a bit of time to fix it for the next release.

Please keep the feedback coming.

Also if you feel some missions are really to hard and you ragequit multiple time, let me know and i'll try to make it more beatable. after all i want this to be a fun and replayable experience and not something that is annoying to play.

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KuPoZzz - - 4 comments

hey man its me again, im doing challenges this time.

some feedback for the generals:
default generals work fine as intended

fai and juhziz works fine and fun to play against, so far no issues, fai victory/defeat quote doesnt match the voicelines though

ironside is really fun, but theres some issue with his fuel air bomb general powers, as it spawn out of thin air near your base, making it quite hard to destroy. and theres a bit of problem with his victory/defeat quote, the picture for his defeat (when we win) shows a jumbled mess of icons AND plays the wrong voicelines, his victory (when we lose) also plays the wrong voicelines. and a very minor issue, during the vs screen where you see general x vs general ironside, the letter "r" on his name looks like it was cropped, not sure if this is a resolution problem but the other generals doesnt have it, this also happened when you play as ironside. might be a vanilla shockwave problem though

deathstrike no problem with the map, but theres a bit of problem. one of his randomized intro voice (during VS loading) has no audio, his victory (when we lose) screen has no audio as well, and his defeat (when we win) has a wrong voicelines

leang never taunts/feedback when something happened (builds a baracks, war factory, gaining upper hand, when the player has upper hand etc) but her vs, victory, and defeat voicelines works fine.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

hi again! :)

i fixed Ironsides picture when he is defeated.

And i managed to fix the FuelAirBomb bug where the B52 would spawn inside your base! I decided to remove his access to the MOAB since IMO the B52 suits his charachter more than the sleek B2!

About the mismatching victory/defeat quotes: i'm not going to fix those (at least not any time soon). Matching the audio files is a tedious work and it doesnt impact gameplay anway.

Why Leang doesnt taunt...i dont know (yet) everything seems all right in the scripts and the audio files are present in the original game .big and are named correctly....maybe i'll figure it out

In the meantime i'll go through the campaign missions.

Keep your feedback coming.

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

Pathfinders have texture defects its look pink. Can you look Please...

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

happens on snowy maps this texture error

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

i noticed that as well....i'll see if i can give it an easy fix

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

i fixed it and will include it in the next version

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

single USA mission 11's bug : can't scroll all map.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

If you would have read the changelog you would know....i know about this bug and i can't fix it sadly.
but you can easily fix it by zooming in and then pressing 5 on your numpad to zoom out again and then you can scroll the entire map

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

New Version is out! The China campaign is redone along with minor other adjustments...full list in the changelog.

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Destromath - - 153 comments

You don't mention what is different about the "Area 52" alternative version anywhere.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

mostly its the cinematic adjustments

the rest is just minor tweaks, like adding some new enemy units for a greater challenge or shifting the tech structures around.

i dont want to spoil the surprise...best is to play and find out ;)

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

Mission 11 for USA has a bug where you cant view the entire map. The cursor is blocked by a wall and i cant view the rest of it, there is units i cant access or finish off the rest of the enemy base.

Mission 2 for GLA where you have to collect $40,000 dollars from the UN convoys, when my troops collect the cash the game doesn't register I've collected it.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

issue number one i specifically mentioned in every post and the changelog:
right after the intro ends you need to first zoom in real close and then reset the camera (usually it's numberpad button 5) and then you can move the camera around the entire map. i tried to fix this for hours but i simply cant and this zoom in and out trick is the only fix.
BTW: this trick works with every map (also challenges) where you cant seem to move the camera all the way to the border of the map.

issue 2:
i know this mission is a bit of pain to do but it does work, i tried it again.
however i am in the process of reworking the GLA campaign to work out issues and make them smoother. You just need to be patient since Real Life currently doesnt give me too much time to mod.

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

So I just finished all 3 campaigns and it was real good! Great job! Some missions were difficult on medium but some were just too easy. Id prefer when the game is difficult. The USA and China had 12 missions but GLA only had 11 missions, There was a mission in ZH for gla that wasn't put in. May i ask why?

Im working on the Commanders Challenges now and im using the Super weapon General (General Alexander), I'm playing it on medium but ive noticed that the enemy stops attacking me after maybe 10 mins or less. They have the troops and supplies but no attacks. In the original game the attack non stop. Is this a bug or something?

Anyway great job keep up the good work. Love how to brought units from the other c&c games into this one and the voice of the marines for USA is the voice of the marines from half life: opposing force. Also is there any other mods with a single player campaign for this game?

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DarkKnightofOne - - 29 comments

Most normal diff do for some reason even in shockwave vanilla, but the added generals like juhziz and Ironside keep attacking. Juhziz and ironside in particular love to keep increasing their waves (Ironsides tough gets his units stuck in the city and this can give you like a lagg wave so keep that in mind). But yeah tank, laser, and Trax stop after a while.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

thanks for your feedback :)

i've written it into the changelog that one of the Zero Hour GLA Missions i just couldnt get to work after hours of trying and had to cut it from the current version.
Since i'm reworking the gla missions, maybe i will get it to work but no promises.

about the stopping waves....it's a scripting thing and those issues are really difficult to fix unless you are a full time game developer.
take it as a reward for holding out so long and being able to then take your time and finish them off ;)

the credit for the content itself goes to the SWR dev team. i merely redid the singleplayer maps.

currently i am unaware of a mod coming with a full campaign since new missions are a pain to code.
but there certenly are individual missions for mods you can download and then select via the skirmish mode. just check the moddb pages under the files or addon section.

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Guest - - 695,480 comments

Even with General Juhziz within 30 seconds into the match he sends units in and the basic buildings get wrecked. i personally gave up facing him with some generals

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DarkKnightofOne - - 29 comments

Want a way to survive the first min of the match?
Build the cheapest thing you can in front of your defenses, for most this is the barracks. Don't finish it but build your defenses, his demo bikes will now head for those instead.
Yes, this cost you like 500 a barracks, but it saves your builder and lets you build some defenses early up (you can cancel the barracks when your defenses are up if any survived).
Also, don't expand beyond ya plateau, his topols can otherwise hit you and getting them when they are in a demo field is kinda hard for in particular GLA factions.
But, yes some generals are almost impossible to bring to juhziz.
Good luck.

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MisterAsmodeus - - 2 comments

First I'd like to say thank you for this, I haven't played the campaign in over a decade, and the facelift you gave it was very nice.

Second, I noticed the enemy AI in China's mission 7 was far, far more aggressive than I remember when I was a kid, to the point where it's genuinely pretty challenging to get your base up and running. Am I tripping, or is that new with your addon here? I think I remember originally being able to use an Overlord to keep my other units healed up, but there isn't one present now.

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Zoar_Prime - - 115 comments

the reason for that is that Ironside doesn't have a defeat one and Mohmar's were never recorded and all the lines that they use are unused or unfinished ones from Zero Hour's files

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Zoar_Prime - - 115 comments

forgot to post the bug I found on Mohmar Deathstrike's map as Ironside
Cluster Missile Silos are 100% useless on that map as once they are ready and you fire them on a location they don't impact, they simply go on cooldown, I tried selling them off and rebuilding them later in the mission but it didn't work

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kalidrone - - 1,441 comments

I already reported that bug to him/her, according to what he/she said it seems to be a hard-coded issue with Ironside's Cluster Missile SW on that map and there's no workaround it seems, so yeah... :/

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agenttito1287 - - 54 comments

You have made this the most happiest day of my life, WARthogBasilius. I can only imagine how much hard work you put into this masterpiece. Combined with the Shockwave Mod, this IS Command and Conquer Generals and Zero Hour as it ultimately should have been before EA got their filthy claws on Westwood.

Can't wait to get everything set up and played! See you on the battlefield, General...

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

thank you for your kind words :)

It's nice to hear appreciation for my year of work.
That's the reason i uploaded it here, so at least one would have fun with it as i also thought zero hour should have been.

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moddb_dev - - 265 comments

Nice addon. It also includes the fixes of my shw addon (hotfix) I made 2 years ago.

Anyway, I found a bug. You should convert encoding of "Data/Generals.str" file from "UTF-8" to "ANSI". Because, some characters doesn't display correctly (For example: Copyright symbol "©" in the menu loading screen)

I converted it myself via "Notepad ++" and everything looks correctly now.

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WARthogBasilius Author
WARthogBasilius - - 92 comments

Thanks for the feedback and your advice...i'll try it out.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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