A modification for Mount and Blade: Warband, set in the universe of George R. R Martins "A Song of Ice and Fire". Also known as the popular HBO TV-series "Game of Thrones".


For Mount and Blade: Warband 1.158. Based on "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin.

A Clash of Kings 1.11
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lorsi - - 16 comments

1.2 GB sounds like a lot of great work.
So first of all a little supplement to the last patch:
The idea with the event by the brytenwalda team was great and all the other things work fine for me.
Now a general thing/question: In the books it is so that the Westerlands are winning the fight (so later on, i think in the book they lose). But often ingame it comes that they got overrun by their thousands of enemies and in battles I have the feeling that the only good unit is their cavalry. My longest campaign was about 150 Days, so i don't know what comes after them, but it didn't looked like the Westerlands are winning anything. Is this "random" or really wanted?

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Cozur Author
Cozur - - 870 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
lorsi - - 16 comments

Thanks for reply & changelog.
I looked it up and it was a mistake by me.
So the thing is now clear to me.

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ipotato123 - - 2 comments

Cozur, whenever I click New Game it says troop.txt error for 1.11

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spencr17 - - 1 comments

same here what to doO!!?
Ive tried like 4 diff servers with 3 browsers ?? lol yeah I want this mod

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Lynax - - 41 comments

Nice. :)

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Lynax - - 41 comments

It's random. I've seen Westerlands annex Riverlands many times, and fight Stannis, Renly and Mace effectively. And then again, sometimes they get screwed up. It's totally random.

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daget24 - - 80 comments

It really depends on their initial start, if they menage to conquer quickly some northern fiefs like Riverrun and Saltpans and hold them before reach stabs them they will pretty much be able to snowball from this point destroying everyone due to their increased armies, more loyal vassals and more solid defense line and later on Greyjoy invasion distracting Starks and Freys.
If they won't hold the line initially they will be beaten badly so yea it is random but its pretty easy to predict when they gonna have their ***** beaten and when they won't.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

Happens to me aswell, really annoying since they started of being very rich then down to very poor within' like 500 days or so and then now when I am into 1000+ days they only have lannisport left.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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EpicAce210 - - 66 comments

Their Longbowmen is one of the best units in the game.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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Sargan - - 2 comments

Impossible to download. What is up with moddb.com these days?

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

It automatically downloads from gamefront i beleive, click 'mirror' when you press download and chose another server, I went from 50 mins to 10 mins [download time].

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joerocks79 - - 60 comments

I never recommend using moddb's servers, they seem to be very slow. I always choose another mirror and use the gamefront one. Assuming that the speed is your issue, that is.

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GamesAreFunOk - - 133 comments

The file you have selected (ACOK_1.11.rar) is not available via any mirrors. Please check back shortly as our servers update every 5 minutes.

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Yorkam - - 9 comments

Again no Jaime Lannister in this version? can't find him in westerlands faction tree.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

So, this is not save game compatible with 1.1? It's just getting a little tiresome having to start over every few weeks or so XD. Don't take that negativley, I love your work. FYI, is it possible to get some sought of text based documentation with the mod that hints where you might find quests etc? I mean other then the obvious ones each lord gives out.

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Cozur Author
Cozur - - 870 comments

The save-game compatible issue is not my doing. If you want to complain, do it on the taleworlds support forum. I did not create the module source for this game, I'm just editing it. There's nothing I can do, and I'm frankly surprised people like you think there is.

Reply Good karma-3 votes
Guest - - 693,461 comments

Cozur, we all appreciate your work, but there is no need to be so damn rude about any slight criticism. If you only want positive feedback, and arse kissing, then you might as well disable comments altogether.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+24 votes
Cozur Author
Cozur - - 870 comments

The above was not criticism, it was a basic lack of understanding of how game modifications work.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
chickenroost - - 9 comments

Lol Cozur gets so much crap, he wasn't being rude.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Cyboriaan - - 4 comments

Anyway... :D Great Mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Gul-Dukat(tech) - - 1,810 comments

I suspect it was the use of the term "people like you". People take badly to being branded like that. He could phrase things a little more politely. Although, I admit, I don't, and believe me, I've had my share of frustrating questions.

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joerocks79 - - 60 comments

I have no idea how game modifications work so I would have asked the same thing. I myself just kept on using 1.1 instead of starting over though because I was enjoying the mod.

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sch0rcher - - 3 comments

Will you be able to recruit lords in this version? In the previous one the "speak in private" never worked when trying to convert a vassal.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

I would also like to know this.

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mauricesc4 - - 138 comments

yes we can !!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
RemaZzZy - - 1 comments

Winterfell and Storm's End looks horrible guys. Please return old scenes of this big castles(cities).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
TheTarman - - 755 comments

Can you do better?

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Thorgir - - 6 comments


Stop talking crap, guys, it's Cozur mod, if he want those settlements that's way, be so.

Plus, it's more lore accurate, Storm's End Just a Keep'n'wall, And Winterfell a castle, a big castle, but a castle, not a town, or a city.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
Yorkam - - 9 comments

I agree Winterfell is a castle, but the castle used ingame now is rather small and doesn't stand out in any way, Winterfell should. Also no wolf throne anymore, the Lord's hall feels empty and tiny, so I liked Winterfell better as it was in previous versions (just an opinion). Tournaments were held in Winterfell (in the books), and now that isn't possible anymore because it became a castle.

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Cozur Author
Cozur - - 870 comments

What tournament was held in Winterfell in the books?

Reply Good karma0 votes
Yorkam - - 9 comments

When Robb was already out at war with almost all Northern men a small tournament was held at Winterfell, the remaining Northeners were summoned to swear allegiance to King Robb. (At this time Brann met with Jojen and Meera Reed, who were also summoned to Winterfell). The Bolten bastard did not attend. Both frey boys fought and brann felt bad because he couldn't anymore. Maybe it wasn't a real tournament like in King's landing, but at least it proves Winterfell had room for it.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

just to supplement that comment, Winterfell is an actual city in the books rather than just a castle. with Winter Town lying just outside the walls of the keep.

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

It doesn't matter if it's Cozur's mod. If you think like that then he shouldn't have even released the mod. He should either tailor the mod to the fans liking or just play it by himself because there's no point in releasing the mod to the public if he's gonna do whatever the hell he want's and disregard the fans. Just imagine if every mod team would do as they pleased. I'm sick and tired of Cozur's god complex...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
Guest - - 693,461 comments

Gonna get in and like is comment before it gets deleted for being negative to Cozur

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TheTarman - - 755 comments


Right, because these pages are just filled with up voted comments about how grateful folks are LOL Get a grip son/guest.

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TheTarman - - 755 comments


THIS is the best comment I have ever read on ModDB. You truly take the cake when it comes to outdoing every one of the other thousand spoiled rotten ungrateful little *** squirts who think that mod developers actually owe "the fans" the mod that "the fans" want. No one, and this includes Cozur, owes you a goddamn ************* iota of matter/thought. Go make your own ******* mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

What happened when you woke up, trash ??? We can see by the karma who is right, so go back inside Cozur's *** and troll someone else...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AlexWasHere - - 141 comments

That you got 8 people, i repeat. EIGHT, of the forthy thousand people who downloaded 1.11 doesn't mean anything. I am suffering of such a bad OCD when i read everything of yours, Sanguinius. If you and the other eight don't like how he, and most of the people that do mods out there, get lost. Your argument is absolutely absurd. There is no modder out there who tailors it after the fans liking. They do as they please and take requests and listen to the fans and consider it, just like Cozur does. If he doesn't approve of the idea, he does as he like. Cozur is doing a great job, and there's forty thousand people behind him that adores A "Clash of Kings". Thank you very much for reading, you can go now, we won't miss you.

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

Ahh another one of Cozur's "friends"...like i said to the other morons who follow Cozur without question, go back inside his ***. That's all i'm going to say from now on.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
AlexWasHere - - 141 comments

I'm not Cozur's "friend". And none of us, follow Cozur without question. He's done a brilliant mod, which all of us, i say again, adore. Even if, you were right that the modders out there should tailor the mod for the fans liking, which is, utterly ********, it's his mod. So my final question for you, is, do you suffer from autism, or are you simply a retard?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
McKenzie87 - - 1 comments

@ AlexWasHere

I am actually autistic and i take offence to that comment. Do you surfer from autism or are you simply retarded.
Being autistic does not and i'll repeat DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE RETARDED. and i wish people would be more understanding and not use that to insult someone...
Saying that to someone is actually insulting me and anyone else who actually has autism. Be it that you mean to or not.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
AlexWasHere - - 141 comments

It's the internet, if you get offended over something written on it who is also not even directed to you, it's your fault.

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salazik - - 15 comments

get out of here already douchebag.

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Gerard_bob - - 333 comments

I agree mate, I agree....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheTarman - - 755 comments

How do you go inside someones ***? Is this your definition of friend? Do you play in the assess of your own real friends if you do indeed have some?

If I only get to choose as a "friend" the likes of Cozur (creator of a great mod that he released to the public for free along with regular updates) or yourself (...........talks a lot of ****........ungrateful in epic fashion I guess?) then I gladly chose the former although I do not know the man and friendship is a two way street better kept in the real world.

Have a ****** up, disaster ridden and most terrible day!

P.S. When I woke up I got out of bed. Nothing big.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
TheElemental - - 11 comments

Sanguinius, with all due respect(which is none at all), see if you can do any better. Do you know how much pressure Cozur is under? If he ***** this up, it would ruin him. Do you even know how to make a mod? It involves a lot of time and care, along with trying to get round the restrictions of the module files. Cozur is respected member of this forum, he has done more for this community than you ever will. Now go back to your room and cry about the fact that you lost an argument.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

So what your saying is that even though you have done nothing for Cozur other than PLAY A GAME you should have more input than him. If you feel that the mod can be improved then tell him, if he disagree and you insist, then make your own mod. In the end it is HIS mod, he builds it not you or me. If you don't like that then make it yourself.

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petourakis - - 14 comments

This mod is his creation.
If you want changes go and create your own mod.
Cozur is an ******* thanks to people like you.
He is doing this for free and you are complaining.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

Winterfell is a city with a castle within its walls. Just like most such places. And you have to keep in mind that the books even describe the markets, inns, blacksmith, etc.. So it would be accurate to keepthem the way they were before. Of course, this is clearly not up to me, so I'm not trying to force ideas on anybody. I'm just stating the facts that I am aware of.

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Nexus_Rayze - - 1 comments

Winterfell was not a city, the Town/City of Wintertown was snuggled to the outer wall around the castle gate. The Books only talk about the castle forge. The inns, blacksmith, markets, etc are all in Wintertown.

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Guest - - 693,461 comments

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